Publishing Shiny App to Connect

I am trying to publish a shiny application to RStudio Connect and getting errors while deploying the app. The errors pertain to installation of packages not available on CRAN. I installed them from GitHub using devtools. The error I am getting is
Error in getSourceForPkgRecord(pkgRecord, srcDir(project), availablePackagesSource(repos = repos), : Failed to retrieve package sources for fullcalendar from CRAN (internet connectivity issue?)

Also, I want to install the dev versions of certain packages like leaflet and not the CRAN version as the dev version includes some fixes to bugs I had discovered. So how can I install the dev versions?

RStudio Connect should be able to fetch packages from GitHub if you have installed them using devtools. Can you submit a ticket by emailing and please include:

  1. Version of RStudio Connect
  2. The deployment log from the client during attempted publication
  3. The session_info output from the client prior to publishing

Thanks @slopp have mailed all the details.