q() giving an error after initiating computations

Running Rstudio Version 1.2.1335, R 3.6, on two different 64 bit Windows 10 machines,
I am now getting an odd error when I quit an RStudio session after doing some computations.

No problems quitting after just loading some libraries. But after executing any data command, I get:

junk <- iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% 
+   summarise(list(enframe(quantile(Petal.Width))))
Error: option error has NULL value
Error: option error has NULL value

This occurs, so far as I can tell, as soon as I do any R command that works on data. This is a nuisance, but not a major problem, as CTL-Q still works correctly. Any ideas why I am getting this error?

Larry Hunsicker

Update: I have narrowed the problem down. It seems to be in the dplyr package. The following snippet works correctly, with an orderly exit using q(), excluding the %>% operator (imported from magrittr by dplyr), list and quantile (from base) and enframe (from tidyr) as the cause for the above problem.:

library(dplyr) # imports magrittr
iris %>% summary

However, running either of the following snippets, both using functions from dplyr, cause q() to fail with the message (twice) "Error: option error has NULL value". I have not tried other dplyr functions, but this problem doesn't seem to occur when I have not installed dplyr and used one of the dplyr functions. Should I be reporting this on the dplyr bug site?

summarise(iris, average = mean(iris$Petal.Width))

test <- group_by(iris, Petal.Width)

Thanks for the bug report -- this issue should be resolved in the preview release.

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