Quality Assessment - Shiny Contest Submission

Quality Assessment

Authors: Marco Ortiz Palanques

Abstract: This app visualises some of the features of the 'quality control' of a business. Brand implantation, its suppliers, results of the surveys, number of contracts and the volume of money they represent, worked time, and the evolution of selected KPIs.

Full Description: Quality Assessment uses as example a Facility business and has 6 tabs.

  1. Dirección: Where are the branches of the business located and which are its suppliers. Below you can find the value of the new contracts for the current year, the number of workers and the number of the new contracts.
  2. Satisfacción: The satisfaction of workers and clients is measured through two different surveys. This tab contains the graph for each sector and compares their results with those obtained in the past year.
  3. Comercial: The number of clients and contracts varies across years. This tabs shows this evolution and indicates how well the business has reached its goals.
  4. Limpiezas: Multilimpiezas is a facility business with workers in many Spanish cities. This tab shows the number of employees by city and county (Provincia) and the hours worked in each place.
  5. Medio Ambiente: This tab uses three key indicators (fuel, plastic bags, and plastic bottles) to assess the environmental engagement of the company.
  6. Calidad: Any failure in the service and complaints from the clients are registered and shown in this tab.

Keywords: business, quality, kpi, mongodb, tidyverse
Shiny app: https://electoral.shinyapps.io/indicadores
Repo: GitHub - ortizpalanques1/qualityAssessment
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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