Question about lm.gls


Is there a way to extract standard errors and pvalues on estimated coefficients in lm.gls?

I am working on a external server and cannot get gls running there. I get a message saying that the required packages (I tried nmle, gls) are not available for R 3.5.1.

fit <- lm.gls(...) # something
str(fit)           # show the available output

Since I do not see standard errors or pvalues in str(fit) does that mean they are unavailable?
I am working on a external server and cannot get gls running there. I get a message saying that the packages (I tried nmle, gls) are not available for R 3.5.1.

Paste a reprex and I'll look

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Is there a reason why you're using lm.gls() instead of gls() in the nlme package?

I'm not on my computer, so I apologize for the lack of reprex, but,

y <- runif(5)
x <- 1:5
fit <- nlme::gls(y ~ x)
fit_sum <- summary(fit)

You should be able to extract what you need from there.


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