Question RE: Bookdown and PDFs

I am piecing together my booklet with Bookdown. I have several images amidst the text and coming across a small hickup. I have made a point in spacing the pictures out over several pages. However the two images seem to be gathering up on one page.

I have one image (2 in x 3 in) followed by 1/2 to 3/4 of page of text then a (1 in x 3 in) .png files. I hoped that these images would be on two separate pages but no. Right now I have all text then (2 pictures together on one page) then more text.

Q. Is there a way to lock the pix in place? To define more carefully there relative positions in the text.

Take a look at the grid.Extra package. It's primary purpose is to put multiple plots on the same page, but I can't see any reason it wouldn't honor a request for only a single plot in its grob. And, of course, there's always

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