R 64-bit will not start on Windows 10

I am using Windows 10 enterprise and having problems running 64-bit R on my computer. When I started R-Studio this morning I got a error: The R session failed to start. and The R session process exited with code -1073740791. The log for this error is:

ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; 
OCCURRED AT void __thiscall rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:113; 
LOGGED FROM: void __thiscall rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) src/cpp/session/http/SessionWin32HttpConnectionListener.cpp:118

I then tried to start 64-bit R (R x64 4.0.4) from the Start menu. It started for less than a second before it automatically quit. I then uninstalled and re-installed both, and I had the same errors. I've had this happen a couple of times before and I'm not sure how to problem-solve here.

EDIT: This problem only appears in R 4.0.3 and 4.0.4; everything seems to be fine in 4.0.2.

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