R Markdown Knit to PDF Help

When I try to knit to pdf in R markdown I get the following error:

Error: Failed to compile Test.tex. In addition:
Warning message: In system2(..., stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE) : '"pdflatex"' not found Execution halted

No TeX installation detected (TeX is required to create PDF output). You should install a recommended TeX distribution for your platform:

Windows: MiKTeX (Complete) - http://miktex.org/2.9/setup (NOTE: Be sure to download the Complete rather than Basic installation)

Mac OS X: TexLive 2013 (Full) - http://tug.org/mactex/
(NOTE: Download with Safari rather than Chrome strongly recommended)

Linux: Use system package manager

I have tried downloading miktex multiple times and no matter what I still get this error. I really need to fix this and it is pretty time sensitive, so any help would be appreciated.


Have you tried using TinyTex? The installation and usage instructions are in this post here: