R Studio takes a long time to load and shutdown

Hello, please I have noticed lately, ever since I update R Studio on my desktop, that it takes an awful long time to load, and when I close the app, it also takes a really long time to shut down. When the app finally loads on my desktop, I often get the message below in my console:

Error in sys.source(codeFile, env, keep.source = keep.source, keep.parse.data = keep.parse.data) : 
  reached elapsed time limit

Please can anyone advise me what this error message means? Thanks

My guess is its workspace related.
In Rstudio what options are set for you in the options ?
Options > General > Basic > Workspace

The workspace option it is set to is "Save workspace to .RData on exit: Ask".

Again, I have many scripts open in R Studio. Could that be a factor?

For best performance, and for less headaches (code working one day and not working the next)
I recommend changing to

i.e. dont save on exit, and even more importantly dont restore on start.
Then Restart R and it should be behaving better.

Though you may wish to review your scripts/projects, so that objects that take significant time to recalculate (and that you would rather be able to load for disk for a piece of work, you manage explicitly through use of saveRDS and loadRDS in your scripts)

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Thanks a lot for the advice

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