R studio terminates after loading rjava for shiny app

My R studio terminates when I try to run r library(RJDBC), which requires r library(rJava) on shiny app locally. I couldn't open my shiny app at all. I couldn't see the error message at all (if any) since the termination window blocks the view.

My R studio version is 1.1.453; R version is 3.5.0; java version is 10.0.1.

I have been stuck with this problem for a couple of weeks and am not familiar with Java language. Greatly appreciate any pointers. Thank you!

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What version of rJava are you using?

It looks like there were fixes to support Java 10.

I am using rJava_0.9-10. I just removed my JAVAH path in terminal and did R CMD javareconf, but that didn't do the trick. When I use rJava outside shiny app, it runs just fine. (as in running library(rJava) doesn't produce any errors). But when I start using shiny server, it terminates. Not sure what else I should do.