reactive is working but why the data is not displaying

as we can see when we click on select input value it is changing in the graph but why it is not displaying value, I am sure than i am missing something regarding data on the y-axis but don't know what, could someone please guide me through how to rectify this issue.


data <- tibble::tribble(
        ~month, ~UnitName, ~abortion, ~delivery, ~pregnant,
  "01-01-2017",       "a",        13,        30,        43,
  "01-02-2017",       "b",        40,        14,        54,
  "01-03-2017",       "c",        19,        15,        34,
  "01-04-2017",       "d",        45,        20,        65,
  "01-05-2017",       "e",        16,        60,        76,
  "01-06-2017",       "f",        10,        35,        45,
  "01-07-2017",       "g",        10,        55,        65,
  "01-08-2017",       "h",        17,        70,        87,
  "01-09-2017",       "i",        10,        88,        98,
  "01-10-2017",       "j",        18,        60,        78,
  "01-11-2017",       "k",        25,        40,        65,
  "01-12-2017",       "l",        30,        37,        67,
  "01-01-2018",       "m",        30,        26,        56,
  "01-02-2018",       "n",        25,        20,        45,
  "01-03-2018",       "o",        20,        14,        34,
  "01-04-2018",       "p",        30,        24,        54,
  "01-05-2018",       "q",        20,        45,        65,
  "01-06-2018",       "r",        10,        57,        67,
  "01-07-2018",       "s",        10,        88,        98,
  "01-08-2018",       "t",        60,        18,        78,
  "01-09-2018",       "u",        30,        35,        65,
  "01-10-2018",       "v",        30,        37,        67,
  "01-11-2018",       "w",        10,        46,        56,
  "01-12-2018",       "x",        20,        45,        65,
  "01-01-2019",       "y",        10,        35,        45,
  "01-02-2019",       "z",        10,        24,        34,
  "01-03-2019",      "aa",        30,        35,        65,
  "01-04-2019",      "bb",        40,        25,        65,
  "01-05-2019",      "cc",        40,        48,        88


    selectInput("Measure", "Measure",data$UnitName)


output$lineChart <- renderPlotly({
# p <- ggplot(data=data, aes_string(x=data$MthYr, y = input$Measure)) +geom_line(size = 1.5) + theme_minimal()
# ggplotly(p)
layout <- list(
      font = list(size = 12),
      title = 'Sonography District-Wise',
      xaxis = list(title = "District"),
      yaxis = list(title = "Sonography Records",automargin = FALSE)
  p <- plot_ly(data, x = data$month, y = input$Measure , type = 'bar') %>%
  layout(font = layout$font, title = layout$title, xaxis = layout$xaxis, yaxis = layout$yaxis)


Your call to plot_ly has the argument y set to input$Measure so it will have a value like a or d. The tibble data does not have a column named a or d. If you set y = data$pregnant, you do get a graph. What do you want to achieve by picking a single value of the UnitName column?

By the way, since you set the data argument, your call to plot_ly could be of this form.

plot_ly(data, x = ~ month, y =  ~ pregnant , type = 'bar')

I knew this passing the value like this would plot the chart but this is not what I wanna do here, if I pass the y axis like this then how would it render or plot the different chart on click of another unitname,I wanna make it dynamic that's why i was trying to pass the y axis through the input.
do you know how could I achieve the same.

passing the direct Y axis would plot this but it won't change when I select the other unitname from selectinput or make it reactive.

p <- plot_ly(data, x = data$month, y = data$abortion , type = 'bar')

 p <- plot_ly(data, x = data$month, y = input$abortion , type = 'bar') 

I am unsure what you want to plot. Do you want to always plot abortion on the y axis and filter the data to show the values from one unitname?

yes, that's exactly what I wanna do, you got me absolutely right. could you please guide me through how could I get it done.

To always filter on unit name based on selectInput Measure, and plot abortion by month use

  filtered_data <- reactive({
      UnitName == req(input$Measure)
  output$lineChart <- renderPlotly({
    # p <- ggplot(data=data, aes_string(x=data$MthYr, y = input$Measure)) +geom_line(size = 1.5) + theme_minimal()
    # ggplotly(p)
    layout <- list(
      font = list(size = 12),
      title = 'Sonography District-Wise',
      xaxis = list(title = "District"),
      yaxis = list(title = "Sonography Records",automargin = FALSE)
    # observeEvent(filtered_data(),
    #              print(filtered_data()))
    p <- plot_ly(filtered_data(), x = ~month, y = ~abortion , type = 'bar') %>%
      layout(font = layout$font, title = layout$title, xaxis = layout$xaxis, yaxis = layout$yaxis)

Note that for the example data provided this wont give interesting charts as each month has a unique unitname, therefore only one bar on the x-axis is to be expected.

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