reactive variable renaming in Rshiny

Can someone explain to me why this code, which works fine in R gives me errors (or simply does not work in Rshiny). After creation of a tibble I want to rename certain variables (actually variables in multiple tibbles, hence the use of a reactive() enviroment. The new name is based on multiple inputs that are pased together I realize that the solution given here might fix this specifc instance, but for the app I am buidling it would not, as my renaming is not only based on a user input, but on some other events as well. af

This is the normal R code that does work

X1 <- "My"
X2 <- "var"

header <- paste0(X1, X2)

mtcars %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  rename(!!header := mpg) %>%

but this does not work in Shiny


ui <- fluidPage(
    textInput("Part_1", "first part var name"),
    textInput("Part_2", "second part var name"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    header <- reactive({
        paste0(input$Part_1, input$Part_2)
    output$result <- renderTable({
        mtcars %>%
            as_tibble() %>%
            rename(!!header() := mpg) %>%

shinyApp(ui, server)

your app starts up without work-able values in the two textInputs, this would be equivalent to the plain r script

X1 <- ""
X2 <- ""

header <- paste0(X1, X2)

mtcars %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  rename(!!header := mpg) %>%

you can address this by using req() or validate()/need() (and probably in other ways also)

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You are right, I thought I had set a default value in my actual app, but clearly didn't. Thanks!

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