Read and create date column

Can anyone help me. I want create date column from column a. But, there is letter X in the column.
How to remove the letter X and convert into date format. Below were the example. Thank you for your helps

    a                            b

1 X2010.01.01 | 0.009397952
2 X2010.02.01 | 0.006056374
3 X2010.03.01 | 0.004757837
4 X2010.04.01 | 0.006765032

Here is an example. The str_remove() function deletes the X character and the ymd function converts the remaining text to a date.

DF <- data.frame(Date=c("X2010.01.01","X2010.02.01", "X2010.03.01", "X2010.04.01"),
                 Value = c( 0.009397952, 0.006056374, 0.004757837, 0.006765032))
#>          Date       Value
#> 1 X2010.01.01 0.009397952
#> 2 X2010.02.01 0.006056374
#> 3 X2010.03.01 0.004757837
#> 4 X2010.04.01 0.006765032
DF <- DF |> mutate(Date = ymd(str_remove(Date,"X")))
#>         Date       Value
#> 1 2010-01-01 0.009397952
#> 2 2010-02-01 0.006056374
#> 3 2010-03-01 0.004757837
#> 4 2010-04-01 0.006765032

Created on 2022-10-03 with reprex v2.0.2

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Thank you very much.
That really help..

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