regression using NP package

Irreproducible code goes nowhere

#> Error in library(NP): there is no package called 'NP'
bw5<-npregbw(formula=,y~x1 +x2+x3+x4+x5,regtype="ll",bwmethod="")
#> Error in npregbw(formula = , y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, regtype = "ll", : could not find function "npregbw"
## create model
model3 <- npreg(bws=bw5, gradients=TRUE)
#> Error in npreg(bws = bw5, gradients = TRUE): could not find function "npreg"
## create prediction
p8 <- predict(model3,newdata=w_garbage)
#> Error in predict(model3, newdata = w_garbage): object 'model3' not found

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