Remove factor level

Hello users!

In my dataset I have this factor with 3 levels

> summary(dataset$Frutta.verdura)
   No\\raramente Non regolarmente     Regolarmente 
               1               18               50 

The numbers below represent the frequency of those particular observations.

I want to draw the boxplot which compares those frequencies with a numeric variable(Energia.giornaliera), but without the level "No\raramente" because it occurs only one time which means it doesn't bring a lot of meaning to the statistics.

How do I remove the level from that dataframe's factor?

I've only found functions that remove Unused factor levels such as drop.levels(), but I'm having a hard
solving this one.

Thank you in advance!

my dataset is something like this

index, Frutta. verdura, Energia.giornaliera
[1], Regolarmente, 1
[2], Non Regolarmente, 7
[3], Regolarmente, 4
[4], Regolarmente, 9
[69], Non Regolarmente, 10

Index column was generated automatically btw

I want this graph without the level "No\raramente"


to work with level, you should look at {forcats] :package:

Especially, you'll found some functions to change value of level like fct_collapse, fct_lump or fct_relabel

Take a look at the reference page to find the function that suits you best here.


You do not need to remove the level, but rather you can simply filter it away prior to plotting like so:

# Load libraries

# Reproducible example

# Create dummy data
d = tibble(my_lbl = factor(c(rep(c('A','B','C'),c(2,9,9)))),
           my_val = rnorm(20))

# View the data we created
# A tibble: 20 x 2
   my_lbl  my_val
   <fct>    <dbl>
 1 A       0.491 
 2 A      -0.683 
 3 B      -0.980 
 4 B      -0.369 
 5 B      -2.77  
 6 B       0.204 
 7 B      -0.427 
 8 B       0.0414
 9 B       1.61  
10 B      -1.36  
11 B      -2.81  
12 C      -0.0593
13 C      -0.483 
14 C      -0.856 
15 C       0.217 
16 C       2.06  
17 C      -1.93  
18 C      -0.1000
19 C      -0.994 
20 C       1.61 

# Plot all levels
d %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = my_lbl, y = my_val, fill = my_lbl)) +
  geom_boxplot() +

# Plot, but leave out level 'A'
d %>% filter(my_lbl != 'A') %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = my_lbl, y = my_val, fill = my_lbl)) +
  geom_boxplot() +

Hope it helps :slightly_smiling_face: