Remove the first column (id ?) after order in reactive fonction

Hello everybody,

I have a problem when I see my dashboard on R Shiny :

This is my dashboard :

I want to remove the first "column" (3,2,4,1) which is an id ?
but I don't know how to do it, because this column doesnt exist in my dataframe, it's just the order of my character. It happens after ordering the last column in decreasing

Any idea ??

Thank you :slight_smile:

what function are you using to render the table ?

df <- df[order(df$, decreasing=T),]

I thought you were using shiny, so presumably you use a render* function ?
a reprex would be good...

Yes I use a reactive function :slight_smile:

this is my reactive function code :

df2_dpt_lgt_aut <- reactive({
      if (input$period == liste_periode[length(liste_periode)]) {
        df <- data.frame("Departement" = c(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$departement_commune) 
                         ,"Nb ind" = c(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_ind)
                         ,"Nb co" = c(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_coll_res)
                         ,"Nombre de logements totaux" = c((df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_ind)+(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_coll_res))
      else if (input$period != liste_periode[length(liste_periode)]) {
        df <- data.frame("Departement" = c(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$departement_commune) 
                         ,"Nb ind" = c(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_ind)
                         ,"Nb co" = c(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_coll_res)
                         ,"Nombre de logements totaux" = c((df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_ind)+(df2_dpt[which(df2_dpt$periode == input$period),]$nb_lgt_aut_coll_res))
      df <- df[order(df$, decreasing=T),] #On ordonne le tableau avec le nb de logements totaux

that wont cause anything to show in screen.
to show something on screen requires placing a ui element like tableOutput(), in the UI section,
and using a render function like renderTable() in the server section.

reactive() only makes R reactive objects. It does not render.

It's strange, because if I don't do that :
df <- df[order(df$, decreasing=T),]
my first column disappear.. but I want my dashboard with the order :confused:

Its harder for me to help you when you don't directly address what I say to you.

Thanks for trying to help me, but if there is an easier solution it would be great. Because my code is big, it's juste a small part and I don't want to change all.
Especially that my code works, even with my reactive function, it's just a column that I don't want which appear when I do my order...

May be it's possible to hide this column (put a color white or other) ?
But I don't know how to do because I never create this column :confused:

Are you using renderTable? renderDT? Or something else?

I use a renderFormattable

 output$cn <- renderFormattable({

and cn is my reactive function when I put my format :

cn <- reactive({
 if (input$territoire == "DĂ©partement") {
            if (input$donnees_ok == "Logements au") {
                if (input$duree == "Trimestrielle") {
                              , col.names = c("Departement"
                                              ,"Nb ind"
                                              ,"Nb col"
                                              ,"Nombre de logements totaux"
                                              ,"Poid logement EPCI/region"
                                              ,"Evolution T / T-1 *"
                              , align =c("l","c","c","c","c","c") 
                              ,list( "Evolution" = formatter("span"
                                                             , style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(x == "Données sur T-1 non disponibles", "grey"
                                                                                                             ,ifelse(x>0 & x!="Inf" & x != "NaN", "green"
                                                                                                                     ,ifelse(x<0 & x != "NaN","red","grey"))))
                                                             ,x ~ icontext(ifelse(is.numeric(x), ifelse(x < 0, "arrow-down", "arrow-up"),NA_character_), x))
                                     ,"Departement" = formatter("span" 
                                                         , style = ~ formattable::style(color = "black"
                                                                                        ,font.weight = "normal")
#else if     ###all the other condition

turns out I was justified in asking you what your render* was...

hiris <- head(iris)


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  rdat <- reactive({
               decreasing = T
  output$ex_rn <- renderFormattable(
  output$ex <- renderFormattable(
    formattable(rdat(), = FALSE)

shinyApp(ui, server)

so if I add

 formattable(cn(), = FALSE)

in my output$cn , it remove the first column :slight_smile: , BUT all my formattable disappear :frowning:

In this example that doesnt happen.

sign_formatter <- formatter("span", 
                            style = x ~ style(color = ifelse(x > 0, "green", 
                                                             ifelse(x < 0, "red", "black"))))
sign_formatter(c(-1, 0, 1))

hiris <- head(iris)
hiris$Petal.Length<-hiris$Petal.Length -1.5


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  rdat <- reactive({
                decreasing = T
  output$ex_rn <- renderFormattable(
    formattable(req(rdat()),list(Petal.Length = sign_formatter))
  output$ex <- renderFormattable(
    formattable(req(rdat()),list(Petal.Length = sign_formatter), = FALSE)

shinyApp(ui, server)

So how is what you are doing different ?

oh, you are making the mistake of using formattable(cn()) when cn itself contains formattable ()

1 Like

Maaaaaaany thanks, it works :smiley:

I put = FALSE inside each formattable :slight_smile:

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