renderPlotly creates lines between points when combined with ggmap


In my shiny App, I need to plot a map of Paris, and some overlay points. To do this, I use ggmap package.

When I plot my map with points using renderPlot, all is fine:
output$demand <- renderPlot({ # generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R ggmap(map()) + geom_point(data=probe(),aes(x=XCenter,y=YCenter),alpha=0.2,size=1) })

but with renderPlotly, points are connected with lines.
output$demand <- renderPlotly({ # generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R ggmap(map()) + geom_point(data=probe(),aes(x=XCenter,y=YCenter),alpha=0.2,size=1) })

Any idea why ? I would like to benefit from renderPlotly interactivity.

I will try to add a perfectly reproducible example asap.


You may want to take a look at the leaflet package as this allows for interactive maps and may be better suited for this than ggmap + ggplotly.

Thanks. This is what I started to do. But still, I would like to understand if it is a bug, or if I missed something :).

It's hard to say without a reprex (short for minimal reproducible example).

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# install.packages("devtools")

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