renderUI inputs only being generated on click with tabInput

I have an app which allows users to recode variables in a dataset. Note that in the example below, all the UI is generated in the server. This is because although in this example, I am using a fixed dataset, diamonds, in the actual use case, this dataset comes from a user upload, so this must take place in the server.

My desired behavior is that by default, all numeric columns are loaded and rendered in the tableOutput "table". However, for some reason, this only takes place after I click "Variable Transformations". Prior to doing that, I get an error message saying, "Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 10, 0". Is there anyway I can modify this app so that the data frame loads before "Variable Transformations" is clicked?


ui <-  dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Recode Application", titleWidth = 375),
  ## dashboard sidebar
    width = 375,
      menuItem("Variable Transformations",

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  ## obtain default classes for data frame
  var_recode_default <- sapply(diamonds, class) %>%
    data.frame %>%
    filter(row_number() == 2) %>%
    gather(key = var_name, value = var_type) %>%
    mutate(var_type = ifelse(var_type %in% c("numeric", "integer"), "continuous", "categorical"))
  ## obtain variable names and default column type
  output$selectors <- renderUI({
    # re code selectors
    var_recode_select <-  function(var_name, var_type) {
      input_name <- paste0(var_name, "_recode")
      radioButtons(inputId = input_name,
                   label = var_name,
                   choices = c("continuous", "categorical"),
                   selected = var_type)
    ## left-side recode number by row (i.e. row 1 = 1, row 2 = 3, row 3 = 5)
    recode_row_idx <- var_recode_default %>% nrow %>% seq_len
    recode_row_idx <- recode_row_idx[recode_row_idx %% 2 == 1]
    recode_row_func <- function(x) {var_recode_default %>% filter(row_number() == x)}
    ## render re-coding options
    recode_row_idx %>%
      map(~ if(.x + 1 %in% (var_recode_default %>% nrow %>% seq_len)) {
        recode_left_name <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_name
        recode_left_type <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_type
        recode_right_name <- recode_row_func(.x + 1) %>% .$var_name
        recode_right_type <- recode_row_func(.x +1) %>% .$var_type
        fluidRow(c("left", "right") %>% 
                   map(~column(width = 6,
                               var_recode_select(var_name = get(paste0("recode_", .x, "_name")),
                                                 var_type = get(paste0("recode_", .x, "_type"))))))
      } else {
        ## generate ui when last predictor is an odd number
        recode_left_name <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_name
        recode_left_type <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_type
        fluidRow(column(width = 6,
                        var_recode_select(var_name = recode_left_name,
                                          var_type = recode_left_type)))
  ## generate reactive dataframe based on variable recoding
  dat <- reactive({
    df <- diamonds %>% sample_n(500)
    data.frame(var = var_recode_default %>% .$var_name,
               var_recode = var_recode_default %>% .$var_name %>%
                 map(~input[[paste0(.x, "_recode")]]) %>% unlist) %>%
      mutate(var_recode_statement = paste0(var, " %>% ",
                                           ifelse(var_recode == "continuous", "as.numeric", "as.factor"))) %>%
      pmap(~df %>%
             transmute(!! ..1 :=
                         eval(rlang::parse_expr(..3)))) %>%
  ## render table of numeric columns based on variable transformations
  output$table <- renderTable({
   dat() %>% select_if(is.numeric)

shinyApp(ui, server)

The challenge is to make an appropriate default for your initial conditions.

  dat <- reactive({
    df <- diamonds %>% sample_n(500)

    vn <- var_recode_default %>% .$var_name
    vrc <- vn %>%
      map(~input[[paste0(.x, "_recode")]]) %>% unlist
    cat("vn length ", length(vn), " :content: ",vn,"\n")
    cat("vrc length ", length(vrc), " :content: ",vrc,"\n")
    if (length(vrc)!=length(vn)) {
      vrc <- c(rep("categorical",4),rep("continuous",6))
      cat("* ALTERED vrc length ", length(vrc), " :content: ",vrc,"\n")
    data.frame(var = vn,
               var_recode = vrc) %>%
      mutate(var_recode_statement = paste0(var, " %>% ",
                                           ifelse(var_recode == "continuous", "as.numeric", "as.factor"))) %>%
      pmap(~df %>%
             transmute(!! ..1 :=
                         eval(rlang::parse_expr(..3)))) %>%

Ah. You're a legend. Thanks so much! Please see below for a slightly modified version of your solution. The primary differences are that the code for var_recode_default is now stored/executed as a function, as I didn't want to manually code in values here:

vrc <- c(rep("categorical",4),rep("continuous",6))

Also, that same code for var_recode_default was amended to handle other data type structures. In this I mean that the original code expects the output of

sapply(diamonds, class) %>% 
data.frame %>%
    filter(row_number() == 2) %>% etc.

To be two rowed, due to the presence of ordered factors in diamonds. However, because of this, it breaks when applied to mtcars, which only produces a one-level dataframe as there are no ordered factors. This amended code below makes the process robust to these differences.


ui <-  dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Recode Application", titleWidth = 375),
  ## dashboard sidebar
    width = 375,
      menuItem("Variable Transformations",

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  var_orig_func <- function(x) {
    sapply(x, function(y) if(is.factor(y)) "factor" else toString(class(y))) %>% 
      data.frame %>% 
      rownames_to_column() %>% 
      set_names(c("var_name", "var_type")) %>% 
      mutate(var_type = ifelse(var_type %in% c("numeric", "integer"), "continuous", "categorical"))
  ## obtain default classes for data frame
  var_recode_default <- var_orig_func(mtcars)
  ## obtain variable names and default column type
  output$selectors <- renderUI({
    # re code selectors
    var_recode_select <-  function(var_name, var_type) {
      input_name <- paste0(var_name, "_recode")
      radioButtons(inputId = input_name,
                   label = var_name,
                   choices = c("continuous", "categorical"),
                   selected = var_type)
    ## left-side recode number by row (i.e. row 1 = 1, row 2 = 3, row 3 = 5)
    recode_row_idx <- var_recode_default %>% nrow %>% seq_len
    recode_row_idx <- recode_row_idx[recode_row_idx %% 2 == 1]
    recode_row_func <- function(x) {var_recode_default %>% filter(row_number() == x)}
    ## render re-coding options
    recode_row_idx %>%
      map(~ if(.x + 1 %in% (var_recode_default %>% nrow %>% seq_len)) {
        recode_left_name <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_name
        recode_left_type <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_type
        recode_right_name <- recode_row_func(.x + 1) %>% .$var_name
        recode_right_type <- recode_row_func(.x +1) %>% .$var_type
        fluidRow(c("left", "right") %>% 
                   map(~column(width = 6,
                               var_recode_select(var_name = get(paste0("recode_", .x, "_name")),
                                                 var_type = get(paste0("recode_", .x, "_type"))))))
      } else {
        ## generate ui when last predictor is an odd number
        recode_left_name <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_name
        recode_left_type <- recode_row_func(.x) %>% .$var_type
        fluidRow(column(width = 6,
                        var_recode_select(var_name = recode_left_name,
                                          var_type = recode_left_type)))
  ## generate reactive dataframe based on variable recoding
  dat <- reactive({
    df <- mtcars %>% sample_n(30)
    vn <- var_recode_default %>% .$var_name
    vrc <- vn %>%
      map(~input[[paste0(.x, "_recode")]]) %>% unlist
    cat("vn length ", length(vn), " :content: ",vn,"\n")
    cat("vrc length ", length(vrc), " :content: ",vrc,"\n")
    if (length(vrc)!=length(vn)) {
      vrc <- var_orig_func(mtcars) %>% 
      cat("* ALTERED vrc length ", length(vrc), " :content: ",vrc,"\n")
    data.frame(var = vn,
               var_recode = vrc) %>%
      mutate(var_recode_statement = paste0(var, " %>% ",
                                           ifelse(var_recode == "continuous", "as.numeric", "as.factor"))) %>%
      pmap(~df %>%
             transmute(!! ..1 :=
                         eval(rlang::parse_expr(..3)))) %>%
  ## render table of numeric columns based on variable transformations
  output$table <- renderTable({
    dat() %>% select_if(is.numeric)

shinyApp(ui, server)

Thank you again @nirgrahamuk!

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