reprex option to change default venue

I love the R package reprex. I especially love the ability to reprex for different venues. By default, reprex renders for GitHub (venue = "gh"), which is definitely a sensible default. Does anyone know of a way to change the default to another venue?

I primarily reprex things to upload to Slack (venue = "r"). It would be great if I could set this option in my .Rprofile, and then the RStudio reprex addin could use this option.

I haven't been able to find functionality for this in the reprex documentation, but wanted to post here before creating a GitHub issue.

It doesn't look like venue uses any kind of global option as far as I can tell, but it sure would be neat!

You can always put something like this into your .Rprofile:

reprex <- purrr::partial(reprex::reprex, venue = "r")

Thank you both for the feedback. purrr::parial() is a cool function!

Jenny Bryan posted about using reprex(venue = "R") in this GitHub issue, so I've chipped in there as well.

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