Reset FileInput


I have a shiny app with multiple FileInput objects.

I created a reset button to clear the file from the FileInput object, but it does not work. I know the file is cached in the shiny memory, but I just want to reset the FileInput object to look like how it originally did before I uploaded the file, when I press the reset button.

I googled a bit and found most people get around this problem using shinyjs, but shinyjs does not work in the R package I am creating so I am trying to find a work around.

Here is example from my ui.R code

             #Upload qPCR Experimental Fluorescence File
                                 "Upload qPCR Experimental Fluorescence File (csv/xlsx/xls)",
                                 multiple = FALSE,
                                 accept = c(".csv", ".xlsx", ".xls"))),

Here is my server code

 #Reset uploaded file input 
  observeEvent(input$DS_reset, {
              "Upload qPCR Experimental Fluorescence File (csv/xlsx/xls)",
              multiple = FALSE,
              accept = c(".csv", ".xlsx", ".xls"),
              placeholder = "Please upload file..")

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