Resources for converting nested lists of tibbles to JSON

I have a nested list of tibbles that I want to convert to a JSON. Does anyone know of good resources that discuss this process? My initial searches suggest that there needs to be a good amount of manual effort but I'm hoping someone here knows otherwise (ie something more automated).

My list looks like this:

[[1]]$a # A tibble 15,000 x 100
[[1]]$b # A tibble 500 x 10
[[1]]$c # A tibble 1 x 7

[[2]]$a # A tibble 17,000 x 100
[[2]]$b # A tibble 500 x 10
[[2]]$c # A tibble 1 x 7


[[n]]$a # A tibble 14,000 x 100
[[n]]$b # A tibble 500 x 10
[[n]]$c # A tibble 1 x 7

Not exactly what you're looking for, but a possibly helpful SO thread:

Thanks @mara I did end up converting my tibbles to lists and create a JSON in a similar fashion. I was hoping there was a dplyr function or some other way to do it, but this seems to be acceptable for now.