Restricting Access to Specific Users and Groups using SAML


In RStudio-Server/Workbench, is it possible to restrict access to specific users/groups with SAML authentication?

For example, using PAM authentication, restriction is applied adding auth-required-user-group in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and creating a ldap filter in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.

Thank you, best regards

Hi Andrea,

With SAML this configuration is normally done within the identity provider (IdP). Which IdP do you use for SAML?

Hi Ralf,

we are using Oracle Access Manager as IDP.

Thank you, best regards

Unfortunately I was not able to find documentation on how Oracle Access Manager does this. But I assume the people administering it in your organization know how to this. The general idea is the following:

Hi Ralf,

the IdP manages user authentication, but we cannot limit the access at this level.

For example, if my user, user1, authenticates with SAML, I should also have a valid PAM Session and sssd service in the system, in order to get the groups associated with (e.g. group1, group2).
If group1 is set in the property auth-required-user-group in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf, I should get access to RStudio. If not, access should be denied.

Our IdP returns the NameID, matching the user's account username in the local system.

So, I expect access would be regulated through this property in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf, even if I use SAML.

Thank you again, best regards

Hi Andrea,

I find it surprising that your IdP does not provide this feature. However, auth-required-user-group should work even for SAML authentication. And if you are provisioning the users via sssd, you can also use an LDAP filter since a valid user is required to log into RStudio Workbench. So if the user does not exist on the Linux system, they won't be able to log in.


Thank you Ralf.
I'll check again these options: if I can filter at this level, it will be a good solution.
I will let you know.

Thank you again for the support.
Best regards

Hi Ralf,
we confirm that using auth-required-user-group we can limit the access to RStudio, even if ldap filter (on the user) does not take effect!

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