Rhansontable table value changes

In Rhandsonbtable changes, we make use of below

input$table$changes$changes[[1]][[3]]  #for old values
[1] 0

input$table$changes$changes[[1]][[4]]   #for new values
[1] 5

Above is good. But in some case, I change many rows in a dataframe and it only captures the last change made. And also, it captures irrespective of columns.

Is there a way to get all the changes made (old and new)

For example

table   #initial dataframe (rhandsontable)
ColA   ColB    ColC
1       A        B 
2       C        D
3       E        F
First change

table   #initial dataframe (rhandsontable)
ColA   ColB    ColC
1       A        B 
2       C1       D1      # changed from D to D1 and C to C1
3       E1       F1      # changed from E to E1 and F to F1
Expected output (some thing like below)

 C   # old value
 C1   # new value

D   #Old value
D   #New value

 E   # old value
 E1   # new value

F   #Old value
F1   #New value

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