rsconnect not deploying shinyapp

Preparing to deploy application...DONE
Uploading bundle for application: 5349160...Error: Unable to retrieve package records for the following packages:

  • 'shinyapps'
    In addition: Warning message:
    In FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
    Package 'shinyapps' not available in repository or locally

The shinyapps R package is deprecated and has been replaced by the rsconnect package, so I'm puzzled as to why this required at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!

I've googled around and can't find evidence of an old R package called shinyapps, can you tell me how you came across this info ?

My gut is telling me this is probably a typo somewhere, a rogue library or requirement statement that says shinyapps rather than shiny or something like that...

Thanks for taking the time to look at this!
It's an old R package: GitHub - rstudio/shinyapps: Deploy Shiny applications to ShinyApps

If I run rsconnect::appDependencies():

Error: Unable to retrieve package records for the following packages:

  • 'shinyapps'
    In addition: Warning message:
    In FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
    Package 'shinyapps' not available in repository or locally

or deployApp() it seems to be a required package.

Bizarre, I agree.

Here are my lines of code:
rsconnect::setAccountInfo(name='', token='', secret='')

can you run the following code and report its output ?

i1 <- installed.packages()[,1]

Thanks so much for your persistence... see below. I'm reviewing my primary code line by line and culling for "shinyapp" dependencies. Will report back.

i1 <- installed.packages()[,1]
s2 sandwich sass scales selectr sessioninfo sf shiny
"s2" "sandwich" "sass" "scales" "selectr" "sessioninfo" "sf" "shiny"
shinyjs slider snakecase sodium sourcetools sp spatial splines
"shinyjs" "slider" "snakecase" "sodium" "sourcetools" "sp" "spatial" "splines"
stats stats4 stringi stringr survey survival survminer survMisc
"stats" "stats4" "stringi" "stringr" "survey" "survival" "survminer" "survMisc"
swagger sys
"swagger" "sys"

I hate to admit defeat but if shinyapps package is not written into your code as a dependency, or present in your local install, and yet rsconnect believes it is... that level of cursed for lack of a better word would have me starting clean with a fresh install of the R runtime.

Thanks, so much Nir. I really appreciate your diligence and willingness to trouble shoot this with me. Not a bad idea to do a fresh install. I'll keep plugging away and will circle back if I find a solution. I'm also going to try another shiny application to see if this is a global or case-specific issue. Happy holidays!