Rstudio cannot Plot

I try to reproduce the script shown in the following site:

On the site when executing the script ,; everything is satisfying. When wanting to play it in Rstudio in the utimp command I receive the following alert:

> plot(out, out2)
Warning messages:
1: In checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname) :
  Time of events ('time' column of 'events') was not ordered.
2: In checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname) :
  Not all event times 'events$time' are in output 'times' so they are automatically included.
3: In checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname) :
  Some time steps were very close to events - only the event times are used in these cases.
4: In checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname) :
  Not all event times 'events$time' are in output 'times' so they are automatically included.
5: In checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname) :
  Some time steps were very close to events - only the event times are used in these cases.

Could You teach, show me how to solve this Warning?

These are just warnings from the package telling you what is and is not included in your plot:

## =============================================================================
## 1. EVENTS in a data.frame
## =============================================================================
## derivative function: derivatives set to 0
derivs <- function(t, var, parms) {
  list(dvar = rep(0, 2))

yini <- c(v1 = 1, v2 = 2)
times <- seq(0, 10, by = 0.1)

eventdat <- data.frame(var = c("v1", "v2", "v2", "v1"),
                       time = c(1, 1, 5, 9) ,
                       value = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
                       method = c("add", "mult", "rep", "add"))
#>   var time value method
#> 1  v1    1     1    add
#> 2  v2    1     2   mult
#> 3  v2    5     3    rep
#> 4  v1    9     4    add

out <- vode(func = derivs, y = yini, times = times, parms = NULL,
            events = list(data = eventdat))

eventdat <- data.frame(var = c(rep("v1", 10), rep("v2", 10)),
                       time = c(1:10, 1:10),
                       value = runif(20),
                       method = rep("add", 20))
#>    var time      value method
#> 1   v1    1 0.60130622    add
#> 2   v1    2 0.26361379    add
#> 3   v1    3 0.96842125    add
#> 4   v1    4 0.02222490    add
#> 5   v1    5 0.03510969    add
#> 6   v1    6 0.30194760    add
#> 7   v1    7 0.55619074    add
#> 8   v1    8 0.49451620    add
#> 9   v1    9 0.42082526    add
#> 10  v1   10 0.24796604    add
#> 11  v2    1 0.93000955    add
#> 12  v2    2 0.46625803    add
#> 13  v2    3 0.50769950    add
#> 14  v2    4 0.11666074    add
#> 15  v2    5 0.64572750    add
#> 16  v2    6 0.74749996    add
#> 17  v2    7 0.53995838    add
#> 18  v2    8 0.46295596    add
#> 19  v2    9 0.69547626    add
#> 20  v2   10 0.62424576    add

out <- ode(func = derivs, y = yini, times = times, parms = NULL,
           events = list(data = eventdat))
#> Warning in checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname): Time of events
#> ('time' column of 'events') was not ordered.


## =============================================================================
## 5. Stop at 5th root - only works with radau.
## =============================================================================
Rotate <- function(t, x, p )
  list(c( x[2],
          0  ))

## Root = when second state variable = 0
root3  <- function(t, x, p)  c(x[2], x[3] - 5)
event3 <- function (t, x, p) c(x[1:2], x[3]+1)
times <- seq(0, 15, 0.1)
out3 <- ode(func = Rotate, y = c(x1 = 5, x2 = 5, nroot = 0),
            parms = 0, method = "radau",
            times = times, rootfun = root3,
            events = list(func = event3, root = TRUE, terminalroot = 2))
attributes(out3)[c("troot", "nroot", "indroot")]
#> $troot
#> [1]  0.7853982  3.9269908  7.0685835 10.2101761 13.3517688
#> $nroot
#> [1] 5
#> $indroot
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1

## =============================================================================
## 6 Event in R-code, model function in compiled code - based on vode example
## =============================================================================

times <- 1:365
Flux <- cbind(times, sin(pi*times/365)^2) # forcing function

# run without events
out <- ode(y = c(C = 1), times, func = "scocder", parms = c(k=0.01),
           dllname = "deSolve", initforc = "scocforc", forcings = Flux,
           initfunc = "scocpar", nout = 2, outnames = c("Mineralisation", "Depo"))

# Event halves the concentration
EventMin <- function(t, y , p) y/2

out2 <- ode(y = c(C = 1), times, func = "scocder", parms = c(k=0.01),
            dllname = "deSolve", initforc = "scocforc", forcings = Flux,
            initfunc = "scocpar", nout = 2, outnames = c("Mineralisation", "Depo"),
            events = list (func = EventMin, time = c(50.1, 200, 210.5)))
#> Warning in checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname): Not all event times
#> 'events$time' are in output 'times' so they are automatically included.
#> Warning in checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname): Some time steps
#> were very close to events - only the event times are used in these cases.

plot(out, out2)

Created on 2018-10-16 by the reprex package (v0.2.1.9000)