Rstudio Cloud Availability for teaching

Hi UserCL!

Welcome to the RStudio Community!

RStudio Cloud is very helpful for teaching, and is currently free.
You can get started here

I find that it helps to:

  1. create an account (once)
  2. Define a Space - one for each class
  3. Edit the Space Info
  4. Start a new project within that class
  5. Start a new project
  6. Install the packages needed
  7. Upload the data files needed
  8. Develop a lesson, usually in Rmd or the Rmd learnr (with hints)
  9. Invite members to join
  10. Turn on access to the whole group
  11. Usually make this an assignment

I'm sorry. Somehow I deleted the original message on this post. My question was about the availability of RStudio Cloud during november, because I want to give a course using this platform. Thank you :smiley:

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