RStudio Connect Warnings when Running Shiny App

We have noticed in the rstudio-connect.log file that there are lots of warnings created when running Shiny applications that have been deployed to our RStudio Connect server (v1.8.2-10). The application still runs as expected, but I was wondering if the warnings are due to a configuration issue, or can be safely ignored. There are quite a few, as it appears to occur for every GET of a web resource, so it would be nice to quiet these in the log. (Sample below...)

Are these expected?


2020/06/30 08:54:17 [worker b9fc8c0b; process 30235] Connected to worker on port 35298
2020/06/30 08:54:17 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/shiny.css"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/json2-min.js"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/jquery.min.js"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/shiny.min.js"


I believe these can be safely ignored. Especially if you have Server.Address properly configured in your /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg file, then this error is benign.

In fact, we issued a hotpatch to v1.8.2 that should have resolved this issue, as discussed here:

The other resource leak that was a part of the hot-patch is something that can cause Connect stability issues in your environment, so it would be worth looking at an upgrade as soon as you can! It should quiet these messages and provide a bit more stability to your server :smile:

Thanks for reaching out and asking though!!

Thanks for the quick response, Cole! We just tried the hotpatch on our staging server and it resolved the warning message issue. We'll get it queued up to be installed in production as well.


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