RStudio Desktop - security issue related open port?

When running RStudio Desktop on Linux Ubuntu it opens port.
I assume it is for communication between IDE and R processes.

lsof -n -P | grep LISTEN
rsession   7114                    jan   14u     IPv4              60661       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
rsession   7114  7116              jan   14u     IPv4              60661       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
rsession   7114  7117              jan   14u     IPv4              60661       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
rsession   7114  7118              jan   14u     IPv4              60661       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
rsession   7114  7131              jan   14u     IPv4              60661       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
rsession   7114  7132              jan   14u     IPv4              60661       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)

In Ubuntu OS firewall is disabled by default.
Any there any extra risks added by those open ports? I sometimes use public unprotected networks in cafe or airport.
Is there anything I can do to mitigate this risk (if any)? other than enabling firewall. For example switching RStudio to single R process execution model?

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