RStudio does not start Error 60

Anyone can help with this? I have looked at previous answers but can't seem to be able to find something that works. I installed Rstudio via Anaconda Navigator, and in /anaconda3/bin the R file has


but Rstudio did not launch. I had to install the R GUI app later, which does work perfectly, however now RStudio seems to find R there, which is strange because as far as I understand it should look in the anaconda bin directory. I attach below the error I get in the .rstudio-desktp log. Thanks in advance.

09 Oct 2019 14:23:05 [rdesktop] ERROR Unable to find R_HOME_DIR in /Applications/; LOGGED FROM: bool rstudio::core::r_util::<anonymous namespace>::getRHomeAndLibPath(const rstudio::core::FilePath &, const config_utils::Variables &, std::string *, std::string *, std::string *) /Users/ray/rsbuild/work/src/cpp/core/r_util/REnvironmentPosix.cpp:154
09 Oct 2019 14:23:16 [rdesktop] ERROR system error 60 (Operation timed out); OCCURRED AT: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::core::waitWithTimeout(const boost::function<WaitResult ()> &, int, int, int) /Users/ray/rsbuild/work/src/cpp/core/WaitUtils.cpp:63; LOGGED FROM: -[AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:] /Users/ray/rsbuild/work/src/cpp/desktop-mac/

What is the output of:

which R | xargs readlink

on your machine? By default, RStudio uses whichever version of R it finds on the PATH; it's likely that RStudio is discovering that version instead of the one you want.

A workaround is to set the environment variable:


to force RStudio to look for a particular R installation.

$ which R | xargs readlink

now produces:


which is the console R. But in fact I have exactly the same result with both variants of R set to RSTUDIO_WHICH_R, and R_HOME: I get the little window with an yellow exclamation mark and nothing else. In both cases my rdesktop.log now only shows ERROR 60:

12 Oct 2019 19:28:57 [rdesktop] ERROR system error 60 (Operation timed out); OCCURRED AT: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::core::waitWithTimeout(const boost::function<WaitResult ()> &, int, int, int) /Users/ray/rsbuild/work/src/cpp/core/WaitUtils.cpp:63; LOGGED FROM: -[AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:] /Users/ray/rsbuild/work/src/cpp/desktop-mac/

I am also puzzled by this /Users/ray/... in the above error message, which looks like some outside process. Is this a message that has been created when RStudio was built? Because it does look like something connecting into my machine.


Yes, that's the path of the directory used when RStudio itself was built.

At this point, I would recommend getting in touch with the Anaconda team to see if there's any advice they can provide. However, my general experience is that if you want to use RStudio from Anaconda, you also need to keep all other software (including R) within Anaconda as well.

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