RStudio keeps crashing and freezing

Error Information: Non

Description of issue - I installed R and RStudio and it worked just fine for a couple of days, but after a while it stops working. I can open it up and the code shows up, but I am not able to click on anything or to scroll besides the task bar. The program is practically frozen. But although I am able to click on the task bar, the program is not reacting. I am not able to open a new file or project or to close the program properly (I have to close it through the task manager). Has this issue occurred before? Is it related to Windows maybe? Any hint would be helpful to resolve the issue.

Steps taken so far - I have reinstalled the program twice and worked with IT department to be sure that all R and RStudio working directories are deleted properly before reinstalling. And it worked for a couple of days again but is now back to not reacting.

System Information:

  • RStudio Edition: Desktop
  • RStudio Version: 1.2.5019
  • OS Version: Windows 10
  • R Version: R i386.3.6.1


  • RStudio diagnostics report:
  • Your sessionInfo():
  • RStudio crash report:
  • RStudio application log files:

From Troubleshooting Guide: Using RStudio

You can try resetting RStudio's state:

You can also try switching to software rendering:

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