RStudio login with two methods: username and

Is there any way to login in to RStudio with username and email

At present
I am able to login with username: sran
I am not able to login with email:

Were I can configure this? Any suggestion please.
In Gitlab I changed config to: allow_username_or_email_login: true

Many Thanks!

Sorry about the issue. How are you trying to log into RStudio? Is this or RStudio Server or Server Pro?

You refer to git, so do you maybe mean you're trying to set-up your credentials for git on your local machine, so you can use RStudio to commit and push changes?

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We are doing login through web-UI.
We are using RStudio Server Pro.

At present, we are using username (e.g: sran) to login. But we want to use email as well to login:

login with email: not working.

I believe changes needs to done at: /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
Any suggestions please?

For the moment please ignore git

Since you are an enterprise customer, you can submit a support ticket here to get this looked at by our support team.

Sure for our next requests we will continue from the premium support.

Is it possible to provide any instructions regarding this request please?

Many Thanks!

The username for your login depends on the authentication provider and how its set up in Connect. I am unable to provide any guidance unless I have access to your configuration file. The best route here would be for your IT to work with our support team and get this sorted.


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