RStudio panel doubling (Visual Rmd) and citation bugs

My panel doubles sometimes when in Visual Rmarkdown mode.

I also experience odd bugs when I add a new citation to the text. In Visual mode whenever I move the cursor it starts Loading Collections and nothing other than closing the window works.

I'm using rstudio on fedora

Please see screenshots below

Citation bug. This is a non-existing pandoc issue. RStudio is looking for pandoc in home/user/pandoc but there is no such file, so it throws an error. The only way I found to make it work so far is to copy the pandoc from /usr/libexec/rstudio/bin/pandoc/ to the home directory. I couldn't find where exactly is pandoc location set to home/user/pandoc. In RStudio I get

[1] "/usr/libexec/rstudio/bin/pandoc"

[1] ‘’

[1] "/usr/libexec/rstudio/bin/pandoc"

But when I run R in terminal, I get

> rmarkdown::find_pandoc()
[1] ‘’

[1] "/usr/bin"

> Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC")
[1] ""

I tried Sys.setenv... with a new path, but it doesn't seem to stick.

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