RStudio Preview 1.3.937 treating pen/touch clicks as double-clicks in source, correctly in menus

I noticed a discrepancy in how RStudio versions 1.2.x and 1.3.937 Preview handle touch and pen input. I'm using Windows 10 Home 1909 on a Samsung Notebook 9 Pro and S Pen.

RStudio Versions 1.2.x

  • Did not recognize pen taps in the application menu at all (ie. File, Edit, Code).
  • Correctly handled touch and pen taps as clicks in the source code as a mouse click.
  • Correctly handled the pen and touch taps for the "Insert" dropdown to insert code blocks in .rmd files.

RStudio Preview Version 1.3.937

  • Fixed the above issue handling clicks in the application menu (thanks!)
  • Bug: treats a single pen tap in the source code text area as a double-click, causing text to be selected rather than placing the cursor. It's not possible to select an area of text by clicking, holding shift, and clicking again to select the text between.
  • Buggy for finger touch input. It looks like a single mouse click and places the cursor, but holding shift and clicking elsewhere doesn't work to select the text between.
  • Bug: A pen tap in the dropdown to insert a chunk of R code makes the dropdown menu appear and disappear immediately.
  • A finger touch to the insert dropdown works perfectly (but the pen is more precise for small dropdown buttons)

Thanks in advance to anyone who can advise me if there's a way to fix this on my end, and I'm happy to volunteer to test how these things work for future version releases if needed.

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