RStudio problem

Could someone please help me figure out what is happening on my RStudio? Thanks

After I re-installed the RStudio, I encounter problem and cannot use it.

When I try to open RMD file, a small window pops up saying
"Required package versions could not be found:
digest 0.6 is not available
caTools 1.14 is not available
bitops1.0-6 is not available
check that getOption("repos") refers to a CRAN repository that contains the needed package versions."

then I followed the instruction and get the following message:

[1] TRUE

It sounds like you do not have the required packages to use Rmarkdown. Try running the following command:

install.packages(c("digest", "caTools", "bitops"))

and then opening the Rmarkdown file

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Thanks! I tried. Here is the new error message:

Warning in install.packages :
unable to access index for repository
cannot open URL ''

Have you checked that you have an active internet connection and that there is no firewall blocking rstudio's access to internet?

Thanks for reminding. No problem with internet. other messages are
Warning in install.packages :
packages ‘digest’, ‘caTools’, ‘bitops’ are not available (for R version 3.5.2)
Warning in install.packages :
unable to access index for repository
cannot open URL ''

Try changing your repository to

options(repos = c(CRAN=""))

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Tried. but it does not solve the problem.

It really looks to me like there is a firewall blocking rstudio's access to internet, it's hard to help you any further without more information.

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