RStudio-server error following ubuntu upgrade

Hi All,

I have recently done a ubuntu server upgrade. This slightly broke the RStudio experience (could no longer see plots in the web interface), advice was to upgrade RStudio too. I have followed the online instructions from RStudio website, but it has failed.
I think this is the key issue:
`/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

● rstudio-server.service - RStudio Server

  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rstudio-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

  Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2022-07-27 10:53:44 AEST; 2s ago


I have the full history but for some reason this forum system won't let me paste the entire terminal history/output in here.

Right now the server is completely broken… don’t know what I have done wrong, but its critical I fix it.

Any ideas?

Warm regards,

My guess is that you are using the wrong installer for your Ubuntu version, there are specific installers for some Ubuntu versions.

Thanks yes, that was the issue. The issue was that different installers all download into the same file name, and the correct version was hidden by the wrong version... I eventually figured this out by deleting all previously downloaded files and starting from scratch. Took a while to find this though. Would adding the ubuntu version name into the downloaded file be possible? It would help avoid this issue.
Thanks for the response.

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