RStudio Server in Ubuntu - Memory consumption

Dear all,

We've deployed RStudio Server in Ubuntu and we are facing some memory issues (each rsession are hitting more than 2gb of memory):

 PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                      
 1495 xxxxxx  20   0 4621288 784052  14248 R  86.3   3.8  55:15.82 rsession                                                                                                     
 1672 xxxxxx+  20   0 4829956 989632  10740 S  86.0   4.8  53:15.82 rsession                                                                                                     
 2810 xxxxxx  20   0 3391868   2.6g  23132 R  79.7  13.1  33:58.34 rsession                                                                                                     
 1062 xxxxxx+  20   0 4657024 815188  10868 R  79.0   4.0  51:04.36 rsession                                                                                                     
 3564 xxxxxx+  20   0 1347208 738468  80128 R  72.0   3.6   7:11.11 rsession                                                                                                     
 1580 xxxxxx+  20   0 5862316   1.9g  13756 R  71.7   9.8  54:42.13 rsession  

We found some posts about memory limits but it's not very clear how we can configure it. We tried rsession-memory-limit-mb=1000 in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf but it doesn't work.
Any support will be very helpful.

Thanks a lot

Hi @ant,

Are you using RStudio Server Open Source or Pro? Managing per-user resources is a Pro-only feature, so you won't be able to set these limits on an Open Source RStudio Server.

If you are running RStudio Server Pro, this section of the admin guide can help you get set up.

Thanks for your quick answer. We are using Open source edition.

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