RStudio Settings in Mac OS Catalina

am migrating over to a mac from working on with R primarily in windows 10 on a PC. And I've transitioned over all of my preferred settings on the Mac however, I still have this weird tick on the windows that doesn't look align with my preferred settings on Windows 10. The back panels of the RStudio Windows (like the options window) has this weird light background that makes it really difficult to see the labels. I cross-checked this with all of my settings on my PC and everything is identical and I don't have that weird light background that makes it difficult to see the options tabs. I haven't been able to find anything that speaks to this issue specifically on any credit forums that I've searched and the Github repository from where I downloaded my theme and font don't seem to mention any incompatibilities with MacOS. If anyone has any insight it would be much appreciated!!

I've attached a picture of my macOS options window:

And this is what it looks like on my PC, which is my target appearance for my MacOS

Thanks for your time!

Also cross-posted to Stack Overflow about a week ago.

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