RStudio White screen of death


I'm using RStudio-2022.02.0-443 and R-4.1.2, but I'm having issues. I get the white screen of death... I tried already a lot of things that I could find on this forum, but it doesn't seem to be solved... This happened after using a lot of memory.

What I already tried:

  • Deleting files :
    C: > users > username > AppData > Local > RStudio-Desktop
    C: > users > username > AppData > Roaming > RStudio

  • Reinstalling Rstudio (multiple times)

  • Try changing to software rendering, you can change it by holding the Ctrl key while opening RStudio, then you should see this menu and change the "Rendering Engine" to "Software".

  • Tried another R version

  • Restart the computer

I see that this problem occurs quite a few times on this forum and that it never seems to be solved. If someone has a solution that would be great!

Thank you!

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Maybe RStudio is trying to restore your previous environment and crashing again, check that you do not have any .RDatafile in your default working directory.

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Dear I could find a .Rhistory file to delete but no .Rdata file...

I have been having this same issue! I'm on a Windows 10 machine, also using R-4.1.2 but RStudio 2021.9.2.382. I've also tried all the things you said and it also happened with older versions of R and RStudio that I had installed a couple months ago when I started my job. For me, I seem to be able to open RStudio when I am NOT connected to VPN. Any tips or advice would be appreciated.

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