RSudio Hangs Abruptly while reading big data files

On running the following command RStudio hangs and though I can Still enter commands but nothing gets executed. It has happened several times I tried terminating R and Restarting it though it didn't help.

hg <- dbConnect(MySQL(),user="genome",db="hg19",host="")
afdata <- dbReadTable(hg,"affyU133Plus2")

Hi @Shikhar,
Welcome to the RStudio Community forum.

This code just worked for me:


hg <- dbConnect(MySQL(),user="genome",db="hg19",host="")
afdata <- dbReadTable(hg,"affyU133Plus2")
# Several warnings here......

# [1] 58463    22

You may need to check your internet connection. Are you behind a proxy server? Is your security software or firewall restricting internet access? Maybe the server was down when you tried.


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