rtistry art gallery - Shiny Contest Submission

rtistry art gallery

Authors: Ijeamaka Anyene

Abstract: rtistry art gallery is a shiny app celebrating and showcasing art in all its forms created by the rstats community.

Full Description: rtistry art gallery is a shiny app celebrating and showcasing art in all its forms created by the rstats community. This gallery features tweets posted using the #rtistry hashtag from January 1st, 2021 to March 31st, 2021.

On the About the Gallery page, you can view the aRtist featured and the amount of art in their "collections". You can click on the artist name to be taken to their personal twitter account.

On the collections page you can view all contributions to the #rtistry tag, or you can filter to view art by specific contributors.

Keywords: shinyPagerUI, rtweet
Shiny app: https://ijeamaka-a.shinyapps.io/rtistry_gallery/
Repo: GitHub - Ijeamakaanyene/rtistry_gallery: A shiny art gallery of tweets
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud

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I like the design, it's very clean and simple :slight_smile:

One thing you could add is a small waiting indicator in the collection tab. When one chooses an artist, there can be a small delay (~1-2 sec) during which nothing is displayed on the frame. Indicating that there are some computations running would improve the user experience in my opinion. You could take a look at shinycssloaders or waiter for example.

On a different note, I noticed that nothing is displayed if I choose "djnavarro". It happens only for this choice. Just wondering if it is also the case for you.

Well done!

Thank you!

Unfortunately due to how I loaded in tweets, shinycssloaders won't work. But I do have a workaround that will go live in the next day or so. Thanks for the suggestion!

Danielle (djnavarro) seems to have deleted or deactivated her account so her tweets aren't appearing. I don't know enough (or truly anything) about Javascript to be able to modify the twitter widget to return a message if the tweets are deleted. So it'll have to appear as permanently loading for now.