run a function after an action button finishes performing and render its output on another tab.


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The app below is a knaps


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ack optimizer for dfs, which allows the user to pick players to base an optimization of off. The app works how its intended however I wanted to add a feature where AFTER the lineups are generated I want to preform the below function on the generated lineups and render the output in 'For Mass Entry' tab.


FDprojection$Position <- sub("/.*", "", FDprojection$Position)
FDprojection <- mutate(FDprojection,Value= round((Points/Salary)*1000,2))
DKprojection <- read_csv("")
DKprojection$Position <- sub("/.*", "", DKprojection$Position)
DKprojection <- mutate(DKprojection,Value= round((Points/Salary)*1000,2))
DK <- read_csv("")

find_teams_FD <- function(FDprojection, cap, constraint = c("none", "all_diff", "no_opp"), 
                          league = c("FanDuel", "DraftKings"), setplayers = NULL, removeteams = NULL)
  colnames(FDprojection) <- c("ID", "Position", "Player", "Salary", "Team","Opp", "Points", "Value")
  pg <- ifelse(FDprojection$Position == "PG", 1,0)
  sg <- ifelse(FDprojection$Position == "SG", 1,0)
  sf <- ifelse(FDprojection$Position == "SF", 1,0)
  pf <- ifelse(FDprojection$Position == "PF", 1,0)
  c <- ifelse(FDprojection$Position == "C", 1,0)
  lpfantasy <- make.lp(0, nrow(FDprojection))
  set.objfn(lpfantasy, FDprojection$Points)
  set.type(lpfantasy, seq(1, nrow(FDprojection), by=1), type = c("binary"))
  if(league == "FanDuel") {
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, pg, "=", 2)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, sg, "=", 2)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, sf, "=", 2)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, pf, "=", 2)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, c, "=", 1)
  if(league == "DraftKings"){
    dk_total <- pg + sg + sf + pf + c
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, pg, "<=", 3)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, sg, "<=", 3)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, sf, "<=", 3)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, pf, "<=", 3)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, c, "<=", 2)
    add.constraint(lpfantasy, dk_total, "=", 8)
  add.constraint(lpfantasy, FDprojection$Salary, "<=", cap)
  lp.control(lpfantasy, sense = 'max')
  team_names <- levels(factor(FDprojection$Team))
  constraint <- match.arg(constraint)
  if(constraint == "no_opp") {
    team_names <- levels(factor(FDprojection$Team))
    for (i in 1:lenght(team_names)) {
      no_two <- ifelse(FDprojection$Team == team_names[i],1,0)
      add.constraint(lpfantasy, no_two, "<=",2)
    for (j in 1:nrow(FDprojection)) {
      no_opposing <- ifelse(FDprojection$Opponent == FDprojection$Team[j], 1,0)
      no_opposing[j] <- 1
      for (k in 1:nrow(FDprojection)) {
        out <- rep(0 , nrow(FDprojection))
        out[j] <- 1
        out[k] <- no_opposing[k]
        add.constraint(lpfantasy, out, "<=",1)
    if(league == "FanDuel") {
      if((sum(setplayers$Position == "PG") > 2) || (sum(setplayers$Position == "SG") > 2) || (sum(setplayers$Position == "SF") > 2) ||
         (sum(setplayers$Position == "PF") > 2) || (sum(setplayers$Position == "C") > 1))
        stop("One of your position has too many players")
    if(league == "DraftKings"){
      if((sum(setplayers$Position == "PG") > 3) || (sum(setplayers$Position == "SG") > 3) || (sum(setplayers$Position == "SF") > 3) ||
         (sum(setplayers$Position == "PF") > 3) || (sum(setplayers$Position == "C") > 2))
        stop("One of your position has too many players")
    if(nrow(removeteams) != nrow(FDprojection))
      stop("Your team restriction do not match the number of players included in the projection set")
    for (m in 1:ncol(removeteams)) {
      add.constraint(lpfantasy, removeteams[, m], "<=", 8)
  team <- data.frame(matrix(0,1,ncol(FDprojection) + 2))
  colnames(team) <- c(colnames(FDprojection), "TeamSalary", "TeamPoints")
  if(solve.lpExtPtr(lpfantasy)!= 0)
    stop("Optimization failed at some point")
  team_select <- subset(data.frame(FDprojection, get.variables(lpfantasy)), get.variables.lpfantasy. == 1)
  team_select$get.variables.lpfantasy. <- NULL
  team_select$TeamSalary <- sum(team_select$Salary)
  team_select$TeamPoints <- sum(team_select$Points)
  team <- rbind(team, team_select)
  team <- team[-1,]
  rownames(team) <- NULL

FD_top_teams <- function(FDprojection, num_top, cap, constraint, league, setplayers){
  result <- find_teams_FD(FDprojection, cap, constraint = constraint, league = league, setplayers)
  restrict <- as.matrix(rep(0,nrow(FDprojection)))
  restrict[match(result$ID, FDprojection$ID), 1] <-1
  j <- 1
  while (j < num_top) {
    resultnew <- find_teams_FD(FDprojection, cap, constraint = constraint, league = league, setplayers, removeteams = restrict)
    restrict <- cbind(restrict, rep(0, nrow(restrict)))
    restrict[match(resultnew$ID, FDprojection$ID), j] <- 1
    result <- rbind(result, resultnew)
    j <- j + 1
  TeamNumber <- rep(1:num_top, each = 9)
  result <-, TeamNumber)

choiceList <- sort(FDprojection$Player) 

ui <- fluidPage( 
    title = 'DFS Lineups and Projections',
    tabPanel('FanDuel Projection',DT::dataTableOutput('FDprojection')),
    tabPanel('DraftKings Projection', DT::dataTableOutput('DKprojection')),
    tabPanel('FanDuel Lineup Maker',  selectizeInput("Player", "Choose Upto 5 Players", 
                                                     choices=choiceList, multiple = TRUE, options = list(maxItems =5)),
             actionButton("Lineups","Make Lineups")),
    tabPanel('DraftKings Single Optimal Lineup',DT::dataTableOutput('DK')),
    tabPanel('For Mass Entry',DT::dataTableOutput('Output'))

server <-function(input, output) {
  # display 50 rows initially
  output$FDprojection <- DT::renderDataTable(
    DT::datatable(FDprojection, options = list(pageLength = 50))
  # the 2nd element contains menu labels
  output$DKprojection <- DT::renderDataTable(
    DT::datatable(DKprojection, options = list(pageLength = 50))
  # you can also use paging = FALSE to disable pagination
  Lineups <- eventReactive(input$Lineups,{
    FD_top_teams(FDprojection,150, 60000, constraint = "none", league = "FanDuel", 
                 setplayers = subset(FDprojection, Player %in% input$Player))
  } )
  output$Lineups <- renderTable({
  # you can also use paging = FALSE to disable pagination
  output$DK <- DT::renderDataTable(
    DT::datatable(DK, options = list(paging = FALSE))

  output$Output <- DT::renderDataTable(
    DT::datatable(Output, options = list(paging = FALSE))

shinyApp(ui, server)

It may be the case that someone will respond helpfully to your post as it is. However, you could make steps to increase the likelihood of a helpful response.
Provide a minimal example of an app thats just similar enough to your app that you can learn from discussing it, but not any more complicated than that, no excess pages/buttons that dont relate to your issue.

This will place a smaller load on your 'helper' to understand what knowledge it is that you lack, making it more likely that they will engage with your ask; and once you understand the small example solution, you should understand how to adapt the solution to your full/real app.

Good luck.

I figured it out. Is there a way to delete the post? I can't seem to find that option.