Run shiny application automatically.

Hi all,

We have deployed shiny applications on shiny server pro. There are few reports where we need to track the time taken the load the data. For this, small piece of code is been written and deployed.

So we actually wanted shiny application to run automatically on a hourly basis. Is it possible?
I think Jmeter does this job right? I am not sure. Can anyone help me?

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A shiny app is meant for "interactivity" between your code and a user so trying to run the app automatically would defeat its intended purpose. For that use case a more reasonable solution would be to schedule an Rscript to run the code you want.


I understand Rscript.
But I have the application written in both ui.R and server.R
How do u do it?? Can you please help

Can you please exemplify your use case? I think I'm misunderstanding your request.

What I meant is

We have a shiny application. It has both ui.R and server.R.
This application/project folder name is abc (say)

We have deployed this application on shiny server pro. So in order to access this application, we go to

Yes. Now we have to run this application every one hour. Can we schedule this ?

Hope now it makes sense?

No, sorry, it is still not clear to me.

Do you mean you want to open a session every hour? If so, to what end?, Or do you mean you want to automatically open the app and set some control values so you get some code executed? In which case I would insist on saying that, this is not the use case for a shiny app and you should isolate the required code in a script and schedule it using cron or any other scheduler.

do you mean you want to automatically open the app and set some control values so you get some code executed?

Yes your right. May be until 2 - 3 mins

In which case I would insist on saying that, this is not the use case for a shiny app and you should isolate the required code in a script and schedule it using cron or any other scheduler.

Sorry did not get. You mean this is not possible?

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