Running App In RStudio does not display results

I have set up a small app to pass selected dateRange variables and show the selected dates in the main panel. Everything seem to run with no errors, but I get no output. As I am very new to this environment I am sure I am just doing some basic thin wrong but have looked at it for hours now and do not see my mistake.

This reads in a csv file as it's data source. Here is a sample of that data:

 oid , sid ,        otime         ,  s1   , s2 ,  s5   ,  s7   ,  s8   
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:00:00 , 47.85 ,  0 , 47.25 , 50.05 ,  44.8
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:00:30 , 47.55 ,  0 ,  47.3 , 50.15 ,    45
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:01:00 ,  47.7 ,  0 ,  47.6 ,  50.2 ,  45.1
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:01:30 , 47.75 ,  0 , 47.55 ,  50.3 ,  45.2
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:02:00 , 47.95 ,  0 , 47.35 ,  50.2 ,  45.1
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:02:30 , 47.95 ,  0 ,  47.1 ,  50.2 ,  44.9
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:03:00 ,    48 ,  0 ,  47.1 , 50.25 ,    45
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:03:30 , 48.25 ,  0 , 47.15 ,  50.4 , 45.05
   1 , E26 , 2018-08-20 00:04:00 ,    48 ,  0 , 47.15 ,  50.4 ,  45.2

the data and date conversion seem to work well but I lose sight of anything else.

Any help is appreciated.

Here is my code. There is not very much of it:


s_data <- read.csv('s_data.txt', header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

s_data$otime = as.Date(s_data$otime, format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

ui <- fluidPage(
   titlePanel("GNSS GPS Observation Data"),
         dateRangeInput("dateRange", "Select Dates",
                        start = min(s_data$otime),
                        end = max(s_data$otime),
                        min = min(s_data$otime),
                        max = min(s_data$otime),
                        format = "dd/mm/yyyy",
                        separator = "-"

server <- function(input, output) {
      output$startdate <- renderText({as.character(input$dateRange[1])
    output$enddate <- renderText({as.character(input$dateRange[2])
    output$range <- renderText({paste(as.character("Selected date range: ", input$dateRange[1], " to ", input$dateRange[2]))
    output$subData <- renderTable({
      s = subset(s_data,s_data$otime >= input$dateRange[1] & input$dateRange[2])

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)