Sample removes header

Something like

> meus_dados <- read.csv("C:\\R_Estudos\\baseballdatabank-master\\baseballdatabank-master\\core\\People_.csv", header = TRUE)
> head(meus_dados)
   playerID weight height
1 aardsda01    215     75
2 aaronha01    180     72
3 aaronto01    190     75
4  aasedo01    190     75
5  abadan01    184     73
6  abadfe01    235     74
> meus_dados <- sample(round(0.03*20322))
> head(meus_dados)
[1]  37 213 334   5 307 359

How can I use sample() and keepd the Header ?


That has nothing to do with your dataset. It is just creating 609 (0.03*20322) random numbers.

What are you looking to do?

a01    215     75
2 aaronha01    180     72
3 aaronto01    190     75
4  aasedo01    190     75
5  abadan01    184     73
6  abadfe01    235     74

By the way, we can't read your csv file. Create a reprex instead, or even a sample dataset e.g.

data.frame(player_id = letters[1:6],
                         height = runif(6, 170, 220),
                         weight = runif(6, 70, 80))

Ok , thanks but how can I extract a sample from a dstaset ?
Something like 3% of a csv ?

Use dplyr::slice_sample()


meus_datos <- data.frame(player_id = letters[1:6],
                         height = runif(6, 170, 220),
                         weight = runif(6, 70, 80))

meus_datos %>% 
  slice_sample(prop = 0.5)

meus_datos %>% 
  slice_sample(n = 3)

Or alternatively,

> library(tidyverse)
> z <- data.frame(a=2:10)
> colnames(z) <- "hello"
> z
1     2
2     3
3     4
4     5
5     6
6     7
7     8
8     9
9    10
> sample_frac(z,0.5)
1    10
2     5
3     8
4     2
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Thanks , I agree with the the csv but it´s not the deal anyway.

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