Save parameterized report output as new content

Is it possible to save the output of a parameterized report as new content in RStudio Connect. I know I can "save as" for a report run with new inputs. But this only appears in the drop down within the master document. If I go back to the "All content" page it does not appear as a new document. Therefore, if I use the search bar within "All content" to search for the title of a new report that was created by "parameterization" , it doesn't find it.

That makes sense because I believe that today RStudio Connect searches the tittle of the "source" asset only. This would be a great feature request I'll be happy to pass a long to the engineers.

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Thank you. Ideally there would also be the option to save the new report as "static" i.e. once it is saved as new content the output is fixed and can't be refreshed with new parameters.