Scraping date and some user info from Q&A forum

Thanks to @gueyenono reply to my previous post
now I've been trying to scrape two more fields:

  • the date of the posts
  • info about the posters

Here is the code from @gueyenono I added the scrape_poster_dates function but it is not working


# Estimate the number of pages on the forum by dividing the number of pages by 20

page1_html <- getURL("") 

n_pages <- page1_html %>%
  read_html() %>%
  html_node("div.forum_title") %>%
  html_text() %>%
  str_extract_all("\\d+") %>%
  flatten_chr() %>%
  as.numeric() %>%
  `[`(3) %>%
  {. / 20}

# Get all thread titles and thread links

page_urls <- paste0("", seq_len(n_pages))

page_htmls <- map_chr(page_urls[1], getURL) # use page_urls instead of page_urls[1] if you want to scrape everything!

scrape_thread_titles <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(".subj_title a") %>%

scrape_thread_links <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(".subj_title a") %>%
    html_attr("href") %>%
    paste0("", .)

thread_titles <- map(page_htmls, scrape_thread_titles) %>%
  discard(~ length(.x) == 0)

correct_n_pages <- length(thread_titles)

thread_titles <- thread_titles %>%

thread_links <- map(page_htmls, scrape_thread_links) %>%
  `[`(seq_len(correct_n_pages)) %>%

master_data <- tibble(thread_titles, thread_links)

# Scrape all thread posts and poster's IDs

thread_htmls <- map_chr(master_data$thread_links, getURL)

html <- thread_htmls[1]

link <- master_data$thread_links[1]

scrape_poster_ids <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(css = "span span") %>%

scrape_poster_dates <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(css = ".subj_info .mh_timestamp") %>%

scrape_posts <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(".resp_body , #subject_msg") %>%
    html_text() %>%
    str_replace_all("\r|\n", "") %>%

master_data <- master_data %>%
    poster_ids = map(thread_htmls, scrape_poster_ids),
    posts = map(thread_htmls, scrape_posts),
   dates = map(thread_htmls, scrape_poster_dates)
  ) %>%

head(master_data, 15)

dates<-master_data$dates <- data.frame(titles, posters, posts, fechas)
write.csv(, "C:/Asperger/page1.csv", na = "")

For scraping the dates I used Selectorgadget, it is difficult to find the actual tag for the dates of the questions and answers and not including the comments, because I'm not including comments here, so I tried all of the following:

.username .mh_timestamp
.username:nth-child(2) .mh_timestamp
div time
.subj_info .mh_timestamp

But none of them works, I don't know which one else to try.. I keep getting the message

Error: All nested columns must have the same number of elements.

Regarding the user info I'm trying to scrape the gender and the age of each user that posts a question or an answer. For example it would be Female,35 for this one

Using Selectorgadget it seems to be here
.section .title+ span

But I could not scrape them either :weary:

I've found a way to get the dates of the posts, the scrape_poster_dates function should be like this:

scrape_poster_dates <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(".subj_header .mh_timestamp, .resp_info .mh_timestamp") %>%

and this works fine :smiley:

So now the only missing thing is the user info..

Hey @anacho,

I was able to get the user info; however, it is important to realize that not all of them have that info on their user profile. Also, scraping the entire forum will take A LONG TIME. I tried running the algorithm for about 3 hours and it was still not done! I know I could have found ways to optimize the code, but it would still take a pretty long time. So, the code below only scrapes the first two threads. You may want to make the relevant changes to scrape everything. Finally, if the date is not available for a post (if it is NA), this means that the corresponding post is a reply to an actual post. Let me know if you have any questions.


# Estimate the number of pages on the forum by dividing the number of pages by 20

page1_html <- getURL("") 

n_pages <- page1_html %>%
  read_html() %>%
  html_node("div.forum_title") %>%
  html_text() %>%
  str_extract_all("\\d+") %>%
  flatten_chr() %>%
  as.numeric() %>%
  `[`(3) %>%
  {. / 20}

# Get all thread titles and thread links

page_urls <- paste0("", seq_len(n_pages))

page_htmls <- map_chr(page_urls[1], getURL) # use page_urls instead of page_urls[1] if you want to scrape everything!

scrape_thread_titles <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(".subj_title a") %>%

scrape_thread_links <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(".subj_title a") %>%
    html_attr("href") %>%
    paste0("", .)

thread_titles <- map(page_htmls, scrape_thread_titles) %>%
  discard(~ length(.x) == 0)

correct_n_pages <- length(thread_titles)

thread_titles <- thread_titles %>%

thread_links <- map(page_htmls, scrape_thread_links) %>%
  `[`(seq_len(correct_n_pages)) %>%

scraping_info <- tibble(thread_titles, thread_links)

# Scrape all thread posts and poster's IDs

thread_htmls <- map_chr(scraping_info$thread_links, getURL)

scrape_poster_ids <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(css = ".username a") %>%

scrape_poster_dates <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(css = ".username .mh_timestamp") %>%
    html_attr("datetime") %>%
    as.Date(format = "%Y-%m-%d")

scrape_posts <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(".comment_body , .resp_body , #subject_msg") %>%
    html_text() %>%
    str_replace_all("\r|\n", "") %>%

scrape_poster_info_links <- function(html){
  read_html(html) %>%
    html_nodes(css = "div.username") %>%
    html_children() %>%
    html_attr("href") %>%
    discard( %>%
    paste0("", .)

scrape_poster_info <- function(links){
  map_chr(links, ~ read_html(.x) %>%
            html_node(".section:nth-child(1) .title+ span") %>%


scraping_info_first_2 <- scraping_info[1:2, ]

htmls <- map(scraping_info_first_2$thread_links[1:2], getURL)

master_data_first_2 <-
  scraping_info_first_2 %>%
    poster_ids = map(htmls, scrape_poster_ids),
    date = map(htmls, scrape_poster_dates),
    posts = map(htmls, scrape_posts),
    poster_info_page_links = map(thread_links, scrape_poster_info_links),
    poster_info_page_htmls = map(poster_info_page_links, ~ map(.x, getURL)),
    poster_info = map(poster_info_page_links, scrape_poster_info)

# Unnest, keep relevant data and separate poster_info column into 2 columns

final_first_2 <-
  master_data_first_2 %>%
  unnest() %>%
  select(-thread_links, -poster_info_page_links, -poster_info_page_htmls) %>%
  separate(poster_info, into = c("sex", "age"), ", ") %>%
  mutate_at(vars(age), as.numeric)


# A tibble: 39 x 6
   thread_titles poster_ids   date       posts                                                                                    sex     age
   <chr>         <chr>        <date>     <chr>                                                                                    <chr> <dbl>
 1 Shutdown Mode LearningGF   2009-01-14 My boyfriend has Asperger's Sydrome. If he gets too confused, uncomfortable or hurt. He~ NA       NA
 2 Shutdown Mode MJIthewriter 2009-01-14 When I shut down it's feeling overwhelmed.  imagine if you were thrown out in a hughway~ Fema~    35
 3 Shutdown Mode Sally44      2009-01-14 I have a son who will be 8 in February.  When he gets overstimulated, or his expectatio~ Fema~    54
 4 Shutdown Mode MaryannesMom 2009-01-14 "My Aspie husband would go through cycles, every couple of months he would need to be a~ Fema~    NA
 5 Shutdown Mode MJIthewriter 2009-01-14 Also headaches seem to trigger shutdowns. I had a bad one yesterday. Though the headach~ Fema~    35
 6 Shutdown Mode SueNYC       2009-01-15 "Though I would say that my husband definitely does not have Asperger's, he definitely ~ Fema~    52
 7 Shutdown Mode teburgan     2012-05-27 hi Sue, I wanted to let you know I u derstand.  I should never have married my husband.~ NA       NA
 8 Shutdown Mode ryans93      2013-11-03 "I have had various shut downs. Our minds simply cannot comprehend or deal with the sit~ Male     37
 9 Shutdown Mode nbarslou     2014-01-28 "My boyfriend of 9 months told me an old girlfriend said he had aspergers. My comment w~ NA       NA
10 Shutdown Mode Debraydebor~ 2014-04-03 "So happy to read your post. I have been desperate for more information to help me in m~ Fema~    67
# ... with 29 more rows
1 Like

This is great!! thanks a lot I'll go by pages don't worry!!:smile::smile::smile:

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