Scraping "div" arguments

Hi guys,
I recently started using the "rvest" and "xml2" package to scrape some data off the internet. However, i run into some trouble:

I can easily pull data in the "table" format e.g. from the Morningstar webpage below (Where i got the xpath from copying directly the elements tab in Chrome):

url <- " | Seneste NAV | Danske fonde | Udenlandske fonde | Hedgefonde | ETFs | Aktier | Sammenlign fonde"
webpage <- read_html(url)

A <- html_nodes(webpage, xpath='//*[@id="ctl00_ctl00_MainContent_Layout_1MainContent_gridResult"]')
AA <- html_table(A)

I can not apply the same code to the page below:

If i try to scrape the table with the above code, i get:

I suspect that it is because of the format, but how do i pull data into a table from a page like that?

The best regards

Patrick Larsen

That table seems to be an iframe and not a table element.
I am sorry, my comment isn't helpful - I have no idea how to scrape this element :frowning_face:

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