Scraping past html comments with rvest

For background, I am trying to get the list of channels each NBA game was televised on. When I access the below html node, it should yield 14 div-s (i counted the inspect page) but it only gives 2. I am somewhat confident it is because there is a comment after the second child in the list on the inspect page. I think rvest stops reading once it hits a comment. Is there a fix for this? Please advise, and thank you in advance.

#> Loading required package: xml2

#rm(list = ls())

"" %>%
  read_html() -> scrape

scrape %>%
  html_nodes("#scoresPage > div.row.collapse > div.scores__inner.large-9.medium-8.columns > div > div") %>%
#> {xml_nodeset (3)}
#> [1] <div stats-loader="isLoading"></div>
#> [2] <div stats-no-data-msg="noGames &amp;&amp; !isLoading" text="No Game ...
#> [3] <div class="game" ng-show="!isLoading" ng-repeat="(i, game) in games ...