Scroll bar in new window has a habit of sticking

Ok, so this may be a very anally retentive issue. I often open a script (e.g. .R or .Rmd) in a new window using the 'Show in new window' option. When scrolling by dragging the scroll bar, the scroll bar often has a habit of 'sticking' causing the script to accidentally jump to different sections. This happens when while the scroll bar is dragged, the mouse cursor leaves the window (e.g. the cursor enters the Windows task bar, desktop or a second screen).

This unwanted jumping to different sections of the script is an annoyance as it requires returning to the correct section. Not perhaps a high-priority bug, but it would be great if it could be fixed. My colleagues are starting to notice my under-my-breath effing each time it happens.

RStudio ver: 1.2.1502
R ver: 3.5.2
OS: Windows 10 build 17763


Also seeing this behavior

Rstudio 1.2.1553
R ver 3.5.3
WIndows 10

Thanks for the bug report. It looks like this behavior is consistent with other applications; e.g. I see the same behavior when I try to scroll vertically with a long window in e.g. Chrome or Windows Edge.

That said, you might want to file this as a bug report / feature request at just so we don't lose track of this.

That's odd as it is only something I see with RStudio, not with other programs. Mind that this happens when the mouse button has been released outside the RStudio window and the cursor is subsequently returned to the scroll bar.

I'll put it up on github as a bug.

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