Selectinput conditional formatting

I have found a few ways to apply conditional formatting based on the value of the choices. Like this example from Dean Attali:

appCSS <- 

"#color ~ .selectize-control.single .selectize-dropdown [data-value=blue] { color: blue }

 #color ~ .selectize-control.single .selectize-dropdown [data-value=red] { color: red }"


  ui = fluidPage(


    selectInput("color", "Color", c("blue", "red"))


  server = function(input, output, session) {



However I haven't found a good way to apply formatting based on a variable that is NOT choices. My question is: suppose I have 20000 unique choices that are either in group A or B:

tibble(choices = stringi::stri_rand_strings(20000, 5), group = stri_rand_strings(20000, 1, pattern = "[AB]"))

Is there an efficient way to make all choices in group A colored in blue in the selectInput and choices in group B be red?

adapted from:

t1 <- tibble(choices = stringi::stri_rand_strings(200, 5), 
             group = stri_rand_strings(200, 1, pattern = "[AB]")) %>%
  mutate(html=ifelse(group=='A',paste0("<span style='color:red';>",choices,"</span>"),
                     paste0("<span style='color:blue';>",choices,"</span>")

items <- setNames(t1$choices, t1$html)

  ui = fluidPage(
    selectizeInput("id", "Label", choices = items, 
                   options = list(render = I("
    item: function(item, escape) { return '<div>' + item.label + '</div>'; },
    option: function(item, escape) { return '<div>' + item.label + '</div>'; }
  server = function(input, output, session) {

Nice, many thanks nirgrahamuk!!

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