series is not periodic or has less than two periods

It is showing error: series is not periodic or has less than two periods
I think it might be bcoz of the same year continuity in the data.I am not sure. if it is the case then please let me know how to rectify it.

#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Attaching package: 'plotly'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
#>     last_plot
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter
#> The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
#>     layout
#> Attaching package: 'shinydashboard'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
#>     box
#> Attaching package: 'DT'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:shiny':
#>     dataTableOutput, renderDataTable

    mainPanel(width=10,withLoader(dygraphOutput("forecast",height = 650),type = "html",loader = "loader9"))
  output$forecast <- renderDygraph({
          ~Unitname, ~AbortionCount,   ~Month,
                "a",            176, "Jan-19",
                "b",            254, "Jan-19",
                "c",            279, "Jan-19",
                "d",            263, "Jan-19",
                "e",            452, "Jan-19",
                "f",            124, "Jan-19",
                "g",            463, "Jan-19",
                "h",            785, "Jan-19",
                "i",            254, "Jan-19",
                "j",            163, "Jan-19",
                "k",            245, "Jan-19",
                "l",            415, "Jan-19",
                "m",            632, "Jan-19",
                "n",            179, "Jan-19",
                "o",            197, "Jan-19",
                "p",            141, "Jan-19",
                "q",            421, "Jan-19",
                "r",            152, "Jan-19",
                "s",            365, "Jan-19",
                "t",            452, "Jan-19",
                "u",            635, "Jan-19",
                "v",            214, "Jan-19",
                "w",            125, "Jan-19",
                "x",            208, "Jan-19",
                "y",             92, "Jan-19",
                "z",            270, "Jan-19",
               "aa",            132, "Jan-19",
               "bb",             46, "Jan-19",
               "cc",            160, "Jan-19",
               "dd",            106, "Jan-19",
               "ee",            241, "Jan-19",
               "ff",            189, "Jan-19",
               "gg",            135, "Jan-19",
               "hh",            451, "Jan-19",
                "a",            163, "Feb-19",
                "b",            215, "Feb-19",
                "c",            263, "Feb-19",
                "d",            103, "Feb-19",
                "e",            169, "Feb-19",
                "f",            145, "Feb-19",
                "g",            212, "Feb-19",
                "h",            108, "Feb-19",
                "i",             57, "Feb-19",
                "j",            200, "Feb-19",
                "k",            138, "Feb-19",
                "l",             92, "Feb-19",
                "m",            221, "Feb-19",
                "n",            165, "Feb-19",
                "o",            156, "Feb-19",
                "p",            140, "Feb-19",
                "q",            167, "Feb-19",
                "r",             77, "Feb-19",
                "s",             17, "Feb-19",
                "t",             95, "Feb-19",
                "u",            146, "Feb-19",
                "v",            167, "Feb-19",
                "w",            117, "Feb-19",
                "x",            172, "Feb-19",
                "y",             71, "Feb-19",
                "z",            247, "Feb-19",
               "aa",            129, "Feb-19",
               "bb",             43, "Feb-19",
               "cc",            163, "Feb-19",
               "dd",             91, "Feb-19",
               "ee",            242, "Feb-19",
               "ff",            158, "Feb-19",
               "gg",            109, "Feb-19",
               "hh",            333, "Feb-19",
                "a",            182, "Mar-19",
                "b",            189, "Mar-19",
                "c",            241, "Mar-19",
                "d",            127, "Mar-19",
                "e",            174, "Mar-19",
                "f",            135, "Mar-19",
                "g",            274, "Mar-19",
                "h",            106, "Mar-19",
                "i",             73, "Mar-19",
                "j",            192, "Mar-19",
                "k",            143, "Mar-19",
                "l",            109, "Mar-19",
                "m",            210, "Mar-19",
                "n",            157, "Mar-19",
                "o",            170, "Mar-19",
                "p",            134, "Mar-19",
                "q",            183, "Mar-19",
                "r",             98, "Mar-19",
                "s",             22, "Mar-19",
                "t",             74, "Mar-19",
                "u",            148, "Mar-19",
                "v",            220, "Mar-19",
                "w",             94, "Mar-19",
                "x",            152, "Mar-19",
                "y",             92, "Mar-19",
                "z",            240, "Mar-19",
               "aa",            112, "Mar-19",
               "bb",             33, "Mar-19",
               "cc",            146, "Mar-19",
               "dd",             96, "Mar-19",
               "ee",            247, "Mar-19",
               "ff",            155, "Mar-19",
               "gg",            140, "Mar-19",
               "hh",            383, "Mar-19",
                "a",            169, "Apr-19",
                "b",            214, "Apr-19",
                "c",            209, "Apr-19",
                "d",            103, "Apr-19",
                "e",            169, "Apr-19",
                "f",            126, "Apr-19",
                "g",            236, "Apr-19",
                "h",             91, "Apr-19",
                "i",             97, "Apr-19",
                "j",            179, "Apr-19",
                "k",            122, "Apr-19",
                "l",            109, "Apr-19",
                "m",            181, "Apr-19",
                "n",            149, "Apr-19",
                "o",            184, "Apr-19",
                "p",            138, "Apr-19",
                "q",            189, "Apr-19",
                "r",            113, "Apr-19",
                "s",             21, "Apr-19",
                "t",             92, "Apr-19",
                "u",            149, "Apr-19",
                "v",            183, "Apr-19",
                "w",            108, "Apr-19",
                "x",            141, "Apr-19",
                "y",            104, "Apr-19",
                "z",            255, "Apr-19",
               "aa",            108, "Apr-19",
               "bb",             31, "Apr-19",
               "cc",            145, "Apr-19",
               "dd",             79, "Apr-19",
               "ee",            237, "Apr-19",
               "ff",            121, "Apr-19",
               "gg",            131, "Apr-19",
               "hh",            309, "Apr-19",
                "a",            185, "May-19",
                "b",            222, "May-19",
                "c",            228, "May-19",
                "d",            112, "May-19",
                "e",            216, "May-19",
                "f",            143, "May-19",
                "g",            270, "May-19",
                "h",            112, "May-19",
                "i",             84, "May-19",
                "j",            221, "May-19",
                "k",            150, "May-19",
                "l",             91, "May-19",
                "m",            203, "May-19",
                "n",            163, "May-19",
                "o",            200, "May-19",
                "p",            136, "May-19",
                "q",            195, "May-19",
                "r",            101, "May-19",
                "s",             33, "May-19",
                "t",            120, "May-19",
                "u",            136, "May-19",
                "v",            182, "May-19",
                "w",            119, "May-19",
                "x",            154, "May-19",
                "y",             86, "May-19",
                "z",            309, "May-19",
               "aa",            138, "May-19",
               "bb",             35, "May-19",
               "cc",            188, "May-19",
               "dd",             93, "May-19",
               "ee",            269, "May-19",
               "ff",            117, "May-19",
               "gg",            163, "May-19",
               "hh",            325, "May-19",
                "a",            200, "Jun-19",
                "b",            207, "Jun-19",
                "c",            268, "Jun-19",
                "d",             89, "Jun-19",
                "e",            222, "Jun-19",
                "f",            108, "Jun-19",
                "g",            266, "Jun-19",
                "h",             79, "Jun-19",
                "i",             64, "Jun-19",
                "j",            229, "Jun-19",
                "k",            120, "Jun-19",
                "l",             82, "Jun-19",
                "m",            187, "Jun-19",
                "n",            143, "Jun-19",
                "o",            202, "Jun-19",
                "p",            163, "Jun-19",
                "q",            166, "Jun-19",
                "r",            122, "Jun-19",
                "s",             29, "Jun-19",
                "t",            130, "Jun-19",
                "u",            150, "Jun-19",
                "v",            195, "Jun-19",
                "w",             98, "Jun-19",
                "x",            149, "Jun-19",
                "y",             96, "Jun-19",
                "z",            251, "Jun-19",
               "aa",            114, "Jun-19",
               "bb",             39, "Jun-19",
               "cc",            176, "Jun-19",
               "dd",             99, "Jun-19",
               "ee",            255, "Jun-19",
               "ff",            154, "Jun-19",
               "gg",            125, "Jun-19",
               "hh",            339, "Jun-19",
                "a",            186, "Jul-19",
                "b",            166, "Jul-19",
                "c",            265, "Jul-19",
                "d",             97, "Jul-19",
                "e",            199, "Jul-19",
                "f",             98, "Jul-19",
                "g",            250, "Jul-19",
                "h",             84, "Jul-19",
                "i",             58, "Jul-19",
                "j",            181, "Jul-19",
                "k",            111, "Jul-19",
                "l",             83, "Jul-19",
                "m",            181, "Jul-19",
                "n",            160, "Jul-19",
                "o",            165, "Jul-19",
                "p",            143, "Jul-19",
                "q",            207, "Jul-19",
                "r",             84, "Jul-19",
                "s",             24, "Jul-19",
                "t",            116, "Jul-19",
                "u",            153, "Jul-19",
                "v",            193, "Jul-19",
                "w",             90, "Jul-19",
                "x",            131, "Jul-19",
                "y",             88, "Jul-19",
                "z",            222, "Jul-19",
               "aa",            106, "Jul-19",
               "bb",             28, "Jul-19",
               "cc",            176, "Jul-19",
               "dd",             86, "Jul-19",
               "ee",            282, "Jul-19",
               "ff",            137, "Jul-19",
               "gg",            126, "Jul-19",
               "hh",            346, "Jul-19",
                "a",            192, "Aug-19",
                "b",            175, "Aug-19",
                "c",            238, "Aug-19",
                "d",             73, "Aug-19",
                "e",            205, "Aug-19",
                "f",            109, "Aug-19",
                "g",            235, "Aug-19",
                "h",             85, "Aug-19",
                "i",             58, "Aug-19",
                "j",            149, "Aug-19",
                "k",            105, "Aug-19",
                "l",             74, "Aug-19",
                "m",            173, "Aug-19",
                "n",            113, "Aug-19",
                "o",            169, "Aug-19",
                "p",            127, "Aug-19",
                "q",            197, "Aug-19",
                "r",             70, "Aug-19",
                "s",             26, "Aug-19",
                "t",            110, "Aug-19",
                "u",            139, "Aug-19",
                "v",            198, "Aug-19",
                "w",             75, "Aug-19",
                "x",            136, "Aug-19",
                "y",            105, "Aug-19",
                "z",            252, "Aug-19",
               "aa",            101, "Aug-19",
               "bb",             26, "Aug-19",
               "cc",            160, "Aug-19",
               "dd",            118, "Aug-19",
               "ee",            262, "Aug-19",
               "ff",            118, "Aug-19",
               "gg",             80, "Aug-19",
               "hh",            351, "Aug-19",
                "a",            170, "Sep-19",
                "b",            143, "Sep-19",
                "c",            211, "Sep-19",
                "d",             74, "Sep-19",
                "e",            170, "Sep-19",
                "f",             74, "Sep-19",
                "g",            192, "Sep-19",
                "h",             83, "Sep-19",
                "i",             43, "Sep-19",
                "j",            124, "Sep-19",
                "k",             92, "Sep-19",
                "l",             65, "Sep-19",
                "m",            164, "Sep-19",
                "n",            110, "Sep-19",
                "o",            127, "Sep-19",
                "p",            105, "Sep-19",
                "q",            171, "Sep-19",
                "r",             87, "Sep-19",
                "s",             18, "Sep-19",
                "t",             92, "Sep-19",
                "u",            118, "Sep-19",
                "v",            198, "Sep-19",
                "w",             81, "Sep-19",
                "x",            147, "Sep-19",
                "y",             78, "Sep-19",
                "z",            248, "Sep-19",
               "aa",             79, "Sep-19",
               "bb",             34, "Sep-19",
               "cc",            158, "Sep-19",
               "dd",             84, "Sep-19",
               "ee",            244, "Sep-19",
               "ff",            104, "Sep-19",
               "gg",             98, "Sep-19",
               "hh",            323, "Sep-19",
                "a",            159, "Jan-20",
                "b",            175, "Jan-20",
                "c",            229, "Jan-20",
                "d",             68, "Jan-20",
                "e",            211, "Jan-20",
                "f",             93, "Jan-20",
                "g",            231, "Jan-20",
                "h",            116, "Jan-20",
                "i",             60, "Jan-20",
                "j",            153, "Jan-20",
                "k",            120, "Jan-20",
                "l",            117, "Jan-20",
                "m",            224, "Jan-20",
                "n",            158, "Jan-20",
                "o",            172, "Jan-20",
                "p",            109, "Jan-20",
                "q",            197, "Jan-20",
                "r",            113, "Jan-20",
                "s",             20, "Jan-20",
                "t",            150, "Jan-20",
                "u",            130, "Jan-20",
                "v",            214, "Jan-20",
                "w",             93, "Jan-20",
                "x",            158, "Jan-20",
                "y",             71, "Jan-20",
                "z",            312, "Jan-20",
               "aa",            103, "Jan-20",
               "bb",             46, "Jan-20",
               "cc",            166, "Jan-20",
               "dd",             67, "Jan-20",
               "ee",            304, "Jan-20",
               "ff",            114, "Jan-20",
               "gg",            160, "Jan-20",
               "hh",            300, "Jan-20",
                "a",            170, "Feb-20",
                "b",            134, "Feb-20",
                "c",            148, "Feb-20",
                "d",             79, "Feb-20",
                "e",            158, "Feb-20",
                "f",             87, "Feb-20",
                "g",            183, "Feb-20",
                "h",             91, "Feb-20",
                "i",             87, "Feb-20",
                "j",            106, "Feb-20",
                "k",            101, "Feb-20",
                "l",            106, "Feb-20",
                "m",            229, "Feb-20",
                "n",            104, "Feb-20",
                "o",            184, "Feb-20",
                "p",             91, "Feb-20",
                "q",            136, "Feb-20",
                "r",             86, "Feb-20",
                "s",             12, "Feb-20",
                "t",            121, "Feb-20",
                "u",            152, "Feb-20",
                "v",            214, "Feb-20",
                "w",             62, "Feb-20",
                "x",            147, "Feb-20",
                "y",             74, "Feb-20",
                "z",            231, "Feb-20",
               "aa",             87, "Feb-20",
               "bb",             34, "Feb-20",
               "cc",            113, "Feb-20",
               "dd",             66, "Feb-20",
               "ee",            270, "Feb-20",
               "ff",             96, "Feb-20",
               "gg",            120, "Feb-20",
               "hh",            201, "Feb-20",
                "a",            135, "Mar-20",
                "b",            173, "Mar-20",
                "c",            132, "Mar-20",
                "d",             65, "Mar-20",
                "e",            126, "Mar-20",
                "f",             97, "Mar-20",
                "g",            160, "Mar-20",
                "h",             96, "Mar-20",
                "i",             84, "Mar-20",
                "j",            100, "Mar-20",
                "k",             85, "Mar-20",
                "l",            130, "Mar-20",
                "m",            154, "Mar-20",
                "n",             79, "Mar-20",
                "o",            138, "Mar-20",
                "p",             94, "Mar-20",
                "q",            118, "Mar-20",
                "r",             83, "Mar-20",
                "s",             10, "Mar-20",
                "t",             70, "Mar-20",
                "u",            124, "Mar-20",
                "v",            165, "Mar-20",
                "w",             31, "Mar-20",
                "x",            101, "Mar-20",
                "y",             68, "Mar-20",
                "z",            190, "Mar-20",
               "aa",             70, "Mar-20",
               "bb",             31, "Mar-20",
               "cc",             86, "Mar-20",
               "dd",             47, "Mar-20",
               "ee",            187, "Mar-20",
               "ff",             73, "Mar-20",
               "gg",            125, "Mar-20",
               "hh",            197, "Mar-20",
                "a",            104, "Apr-20",
                "b",             76, "Apr-20",
                "c",             98, "Apr-20",
                "d",             65, "Apr-20",
                "e",             97, "Apr-20",
                "f",             69, "Apr-20",
                "g",            136, "Apr-20",
                "h",             61, "Apr-20",
                "i",             75, "Apr-20",
                "j",             72, "Apr-20",
                "k",             55, "Apr-20",
                "l",             69, "Apr-20",
                "m",            153, "Apr-20",
                "n",             66, "Apr-20",
                "o",            123, "Apr-20",
                "p",             66, "Apr-20",
                "q",             72, "Apr-20",
                "r",             41, "Apr-20",
                "s",             14, "Apr-20",
                "t",             75, "Apr-20",
                "u",             75, "Apr-20",
                "v",            128, "Apr-20",
                "w",             19, "Apr-20",
                "x",             77, "Apr-20",
                "y",             46, "Apr-20",
                "z",            143, "Apr-20",
               "aa",             39, "Apr-20",
               "bb",             22, "Apr-20",
               "cc",             61, "Apr-20",
               "dd",             50, "Apr-20",
               "ee",            139, "Apr-20",
               "ff",             60, "Apr-20",
               "gg",             76, "Apr-20",
               "hh",            146, "Apr-20",
                "a",            166, "May-20",
                "b",            131, "May-20",
                "c",            168, "May-20",
                "d",             77, "May-20",
                "e",            145, "May-20",
                "f",             68, "May-20",
                "g",            215, "May-20",
                "h",             80, "May-20",
                "i",             79, "May-20",
                "j",            101, "May-20",
                "k",             98, "May-20",
                "l",             92, "May-20",
                "m",            175, "May-20",
                "n",            124, "May-20",
                "o",            133, "May-20",
                "p",            110, "May-20",
                "q",            138, "May-20",
                "r",             70, "May-20",
                "s",             18, "May-20",
                "t",             76, "May-20",
                "u",             93, "May-20",
                "v",            208, "May-20",
                "w",             26, "May-20",
                "x",            147, "May-20",
                "y",             60, "May-20",
                "z",            247, "May-20",
               "aa",             93, "May-20",
               "bb",             37, "May-20",
               "cc",            119, "May-20",
               "dd",             57, "May-20",
               "ee",            233, "May-20",
               "ff",             48, "May-20",
               "gg",             95, "May-20",
               "hh",            208, "May-20",
                "a",            162, "Jun-20",
                "b",            120, "Jun-20",
                "c",            159, "Jun-20",
                "d",             82, "Jun-20",
                "e",            154, "Jun-20",
                "f",             93, "Jun-20",
                "g",            209, "Jun-20",
                "h",             67, "Jun-20",
                "i",             65, "Jun-20",
                "j",             81, "Jun-20",
                "k",            107, "Jun-20",
                "l",             82, "Jun-20",
                "m",            162, "Jun-20",
                "n",            131, "Jun-20",
                "o",            139, "Jun-20",
                "p",            108, "Jun-20",
                "q",            129, "Jun-20",
                "r",             62, "Jun-20",
                "s",             22, "Jun-20",
                "t",            101, "Jun-20",
                "u",             97, "Jun-20",
                "v",            184, "Jun-20",
                "w",             48, "Jun-20",
                "x",            129, "Jun-20",
                "y",             65, "Jun-20",
                "z",            202, "Jun-20",
               "aa",             82, "Jun-20",
               "bb",             30, "Jun-20",
               "cc",            123, "Jun-20",
               "dd",             51, "Jun-20",
               "ee",            198, "Jun-20",
               "ff",             81, "Jun-20",
               "gg",             93, "Jun-20",
               "hh",            199, "Jun-20",
                "a",            110, "Jul-20",
                "b",             88, "Jul-20",
                "c",            105, "Jul-20",
                "d",             65, "Jul-20",
                "e",            100, "Jul-20",
                "f",             61, "Jul-20",
                "g",            177, "Jul-20",
                "h",             55, "Jul-20",
                "i",             33, "Jul-20",
                "j",             91, "Jul-20",
                "k",             62, "Jul-20",
                "l",             42, "Jul-20",
                "m",            134, "Jul-20",
                "n",             93, "Jul-20",
                "o",            102, "Jul-20",
                "p",             97, "Jul-20",
                "q",            101, "Jul-20",
                "r",             62, "Jul-20",
                "s",              7, "Jul-20",
                "t",             87, "Jul-20",
                "u",             58, "Jul-20",
                "v",            143, "Jul-20",
                "w",             29, "Jul-20",
                "x",            103, "Jul-20",
                "y",             69, "Jul-20",
                "z",            192, "Jul-20",
               "aa",             86, "Jul-20",
               "bb",             29, "Jul-20",
               "cc",            104, "Jul-20",
               "dd",             37, "Jul-20",
               "ee",            177, "Jul-20",
               "ff",            100, "Jul-20",
               "gg",             65, "Jul-20",
               "hh",            154, "Jul-20",
                "a",             65, "Aug-20",
                "b",             40, "Aug-20",
                "c",             70, "Aug-20",
                "d",             23, "Aug-20",
                "e",             63, "Aug-20",
                "f",             33, "Aug-20",
                "g",             79, "Aug-20",
                "h",             36, "Aug-20",
                "i",             18, "Aug-20",
                "j",             38, "Aug-20",
                "k",             21, "Aug-20",
                "l",             21, "Aug-20",
                "m",             75, "Aug-20",
                "n",             40, "Aug-20",
                "o",             53, "Aug-20",
                "p",             24, "Aug-20",
                "q",             52, "Aug-20",
                "r",             16, "Aug-20",
                "s",              8, "Aug-20",
                "t",             53, "Aug-20",
                "u",             30, "Aug-20",
                "v",             81, "Aug-20",
                "w",             15, "Aug-20",
                "x",             47, "Aug-20",
                "y",             25, "Aug-20",
                "z",            103, "Aug-20",
               "aa",             37, "Aug-20",
               "bb",             13, "Aug-20",
               "cc",             37, "Aug-20",
               "dd",             18, "Aug-20",
               "ee",             75, "Aug-20",
               "ff",             45, "Aug-20",
               "gg",             49, "Aug-20",
               "hh",             63, "Aug-20"

    interval_value_formatter <- "function(num, opts, seriesName, g, row, col) {
  value = g.getValue(row, col);
  if(value[0] != value[2]) {
    lower = Dygraph.numberValueFormatter(value[0], opts);
    upper = Dygraph.numberValueFormatter(value[2], opts);
    return '[' + lower + ', ' + upper + ']';
  } else {
    return Dygraph.numberValueFormatter(num, opts);
    timeseies1<-ts(d1$AbortionCount,start = c(2019,01),end=c(2020,08),frequency = 12) 
    timeseies1 %>% 
      stlf(timeseies1, h = 12) %>%
      {cbind(actuals=.$x, forecast_mean=.$mean,
             lower_95=.$lower[,"95%"], upper_95=.$upper[,"95%"],
             lower_80=.$lower[,"80%"], upper_80=.$upper[,"80%"])} %>%
      dygraph(main="random forecasting", ylab = "records") %>%
      dyAxis("y", valueFormatter = interval_value_formatter) %>%
      dySeries("actuals", color = "black") %>%
      dySeries("forecast_mean", color = "blue", label = "forecast") %>%
      dySeries(c("lower_80", "forecast_mean", "upper_80"),
               label = "80%", color = "blue") %>%
      dySeries(c("lower_95", "forecast_mean", "upper_95"),
               label = "95%", color = "blue") %>%
      dyLegend(labelsSeparateLines=TRUE) %>%
      dyRangeSelector() %>%
      dyUnzoom() %>% 
      dyCrosshair(direction = "vertical") %>%
      dyOptions(digitsAfterDecimal = 1) %>%
      dyCSS(textConnection(".dygraph-legend {background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important; }"))


due to the size limit, I have removed few months of 2019.
any help would be great, Thanks

the time series is at frequency 12 and its length 20, so it has less than 24 months data which would be 2 periods in stfl's way of thinking about things, (is my current understanding)

I have added dummy data for other remaining months but it is still giving the same error.
I thought it is bcoz of data repetition so added aggregation to data but it is giving error but not the same one.

could you please tell me what I am missing . I have been kinda stuck to this same error cycle for quite a long time. any suggestion would be great.

after your changes what is the length, and frequency of your new timeseries please ?

GOT IT.......

  output$dychart <- renderDygraph({
    qry2<-read.csv("c:/users/nic user/desktop/ab.csv")
    interval_value_formatter <- "function(num, opts, seriesName, g, row, col) {
  value = g.getValue(row, col);
  if(value[0] != value[2]) {
    lower = Dygraph.numberValueFormatter(value[0], opts);
    upper = Dygraph.numberValueFormatter(value[2], opts);
    return '[' + lower + ', ' + upper + ']';
  } else {
    return Dygraph.numberValueFormatter(num, opts);
    timetravel<-ts(qry2$AbortionCount,start = c(2019,1),frequency = 12)
    timetravel %>%
      stlf(lambda = 0, h = 36) %>%
      {cbind(actuals=.$x, forecast_mean=.$mean,
             lower_95=.$lower[,"95%"], upper_95=.$upper[,"95%"],
             lower_80=.$lower[,"80%"], upper_80=.$upper[,"80%"])} %>%
      dygraph(main="Random Records", ylab = "DATA") %>%
      dyAxis("y", valueFormatter = interval_value_formatter) %>%
      dySeries("actuals", color = "black") %>%
      dySeries("forecast_mean", color = "blue", label = "forecast") %>%
      dySeries(c("lower_80", "forecast_mean", "upper_80"),
               label = "80%", color = "blue") %>%
      dySeries(c("lower_95", "forecast_mean", "upper_95"),
               label = "95%", color = "blue") %>%
      dyLegend(labelsSeparateLines=TRUE) %>%
      dyRangeSelector() %>%
      dyOptions(digitsAfterDecimal = 1) %>%
      dyCSS(textConnection(".dygraph-legend {background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important; }"))

Thanks, @nirgrahamuk for your help. I really appreciate your concern.

I think you are building the timeseries incorrectly though, hence the future dates up to 2080.
I think you would want to aggregate by the month field in your data first, then complete it so there arent gaps before turning it to a time series

okay,i will do it ,thanks for your suggestion

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